Wh-what..Am I.. and Who are You?!

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Chapter: 6 Arc: 2

A demonic sensation rippled in the air as the gigantic fists of the monster slammed down, time had finally caught up to the events occurring in your mind, only now your already dead. A soft exhale of water vapor exiting your lips are the only sound which rings in their minds..what am I? If this things long since decided it's F- It's nothing but trash beneath my Very Feet..Don't forget that..you pathetic Mortal!

A massive explosion of water shot out causing a large wave to rip through the river bank towards the surrounding trees knocking them all down, Kÿr and Hèr' La were caught in the front of the wave, being taken by the current by the into the tree line. Hijìn's whereabouts were unknown from the sheer quantity of water thrashed about by the strange ape-like monster..until the water finally settled. Gasping for air and on its knees the monster was being forcibly strangled to near death by Hijìn, his eyes focused yet filled with the same eternal void as his strange form before, he would lift the several ton animal and in that same moment kicked the beast downstream with both feet. Its impact being so hard it split the whole river down to its rocky bottom as it was launched towards a large boulder causing rubble and dust to explode everywhere from the impact. A cold glare ahead as water poured back into the river from all around, the ruffling of leaves to his right made him turn his head counter clockwise unnaturally to the source, the sound of bone crackling echoed with each snapped vertebrae in his neck as he turned.

Kÿr completely soaked and covered in sticks and red leaves would break through the tree line, looking around to make sure everything is okay would lock eyes with the man he thought he knew..Hijìn or what became of him. His skin beneath his fur shivered in discomfort to see how strange he is this time, this was different than the last two times he had turned into such a form, but this time..this time was vastly different. Without even a millisecond passing by, Hijìn who was a solid 30 feet away from Kÿr would almost magically appear ahead of the small cat, in the air above Kÿr he would glare with those cold dead void-like eyes and ready to crush the cat with a clenched fist. Kÿr couldn't even react as he turned to look up at the thing he used to call his friend right on top of him. "Sh..sh..Shit!". Kÿr exclaimed out in fear, but in the nick of time a large boulder would come flying towards Hijìn from downstream nearly hitting him midair; Kÿr managing to duck beneath it would barely see that Hijìn was right underneath the boulder laying flat on the ground until a second passed and the boulder was sent flying straight up into the air, the gust of wind from the sheer force sent Kÿr flying back into the "safety" of the trees yelling out in shock.

Rubble and chunks of rock slammed into the water nearby with the Monster running back with a beaten up body from its impact with the boulder originally, it turned all around to look for the human who did such a thing uncalled for, yet this time it's meaningless life could be shared as the filth it is. A large sleek black thorny tentacle would shoot into the air and grab hold of the boulder and begin to drag it back down incredibly fast- the monster would turn to the air and panic beginning to run away wanting out of this losing battle just to be met face to face with the mortal. Hijìn's right arm was enveloped in those tentacles coming out of his body which extended all the way to the air where the boulder was, the animal jumped back in fear only for the boulder to come flying at blinding speeds and smash directly into its chest grinding the animal along the sediment floor of the river causing another large split of the water as huge tidal waves blasted through the forest floor.

Hèr' La made the trees move out of her wake walking by them, she looked around concerned as to what is going on with her hand covering her chest from a cut she got from the floating debris of the original wave. Seeing the incoming secondary wave she would stare at the water causing a rippling effect along the waters path and settled to the ground passing over her feet instead of the several feet tidal wave it was prior. With this improvement she could properly see what was going on, but when she finally made it across and to the scene of the conflict she froze in horror. On top of the large ape-like animal was Hijìn except now he had many tentacle-like growths shooting out of his body piercing into the animals thick flesh and with bloodied knuckles as he viciously kept punching the animals skull inside out, each punch trashed the animals dead body around leaving chunks of flesh and pools of blood dripping into the rivers water.

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