Melody of Shifting Tides~

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Chapter: 2 Arc: 3
Times grow ever so closer as everyone prepares for the possible worse, you run downstairs to the engine room turning everything on bracing in your quarters for booster support, she heads to the front with the driver to make sure everything is okay and to warn for incoming attacks while the driver makes sure everything starts running. Humming of the engine turns to screech like revving as the hydraulics go on overdrive. The dual suns slowly moving their way up over the horizon means the end of days in your eyes..the boat inching ever so closer to the salty sea past the barrier of fresh water makes your blood run cold.
The very've touched's all second chances..

Slow clapping of gentle waves against the hull of the ship ring in your ears. The salty seas now inching ever so closer as you pass the safety of fresh water you are left to no one but the mercy of what lurks below. Ever so slightly pushing the ignition forward the two of you brace in the front looking on ahead to see what comes to attack you, but for what it all seems to be..nothing happens. Perhaps the force inspecting the craft had deemed it worthy to pass?! It must've since we are even able to traverse up till this point. Quiet whistling of the thrusters at the back of the ship pushing us ever so much forward we gently crosses the waters..getting more and more far away from the shore..

Sharp exhale and your heart keeps racing at the thought of everyone's demise, "I-I don't understand..I expected attackers from all angles..whh-what's going on?", Vìrkä beckoned looking out the front window to the blue horizon ahead. Kÿr steering glanced at her quickly then back ahead mildly panicking after the warning she told him yesterday. "y-Y'know maybe they thought it was okay to cross? You never know right?", Vìrkä glaring down at him with a serious look on her face being concerned responds with, "Wh..Kÿr I do know- forgetting I can see the future or something?!", "Well maybe your future sight is busted or whatever? Maybe you're just a busted sight haver or something?." She popped him on the back of the head making him exclaim out in pain before she quickly ran down hall into the engine room where Hijìn was stationed. "Hijìn?! Hijìn you aren't dead right?!", she yelled out going around large tubes and moving cogs till she reached the booster room, "I'm fine..what are you even doing down here is something wrong?", Hijìn asked holding onto two large levers on both sides connected to the two thrusters, the levers gauged at base level could be pushed forward to maximum thrust if need be when the time came for it. "Well's just..I saw that you I mean we were gonna get attacked the moment we crossed the sea barrier, but now it's just casual travel and I thought something might've happened so I wanted to check on you", She said looking all around wanting to make sure nothing strange was going on. Hijìn shrugged it off not putting mind to it, the two have been seeming more on edge ever since they've gotten by the sea..odd, that faint observation growing more and more into a concern as out of nowhere the whole boat would stutter then quickly thrust ahead causing the two downstairs to stagger from the force.

  Vìrkä slightly leaning to the side scoffed in annoyance realizing the damn Sìrlan had just sped up the ship even with the upcoming threat still a very well known concern, she looked back and Hijìn gripped the levers standing tall facing her before tilting his head to the side signaling she can go, nodding she went round the corner and left him in the dimly lit room by himself once again. 'Hey buddy', What?, 'I don't think she's fully cleansed yet..', what do you mean by that?, 'It's fairly apparent she was under Fates control..Fate threw her out and abandoned her..but she wouldn't just let a valuable asset like her to run free without at least leaving a mark or even having some hold on her..could be why she was upset last night', You have a point..I'm in no position to question her nor are we safe either..we still need to find out what the water does when it touches you. The mental dialogue ending when he saw the white gray-ish silky hair disappear around the corner followed with footsteps running up the stairs, 'I'll I'm saying is when you have the chance...ask what she actually sees..and maybe just maybe we can figure out if she's still Fates puppet', Hijìn burrowed his brow and looked off in much..yet so little time..this world really is a curse..

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