Thistles, Thistles, and Thorns..

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Chapter: 1 Arc: 2

  An abrupt arrival, nothing else but the feeling of a heavy weight lifted off your shoulders, the smell of freshly cut grass in the air, and the ever-so-growing feeling of being watched. Endless darkness stretched in all directions. Nothing else could be told apart from the vibrant red-ish grey foliage that surrounds the world around you. All you can see is rough bark, lush leaves, and the remaining moisture of midday lingering on the world around you..

Hijìn abruptly opened his eyes as his eyes shot left and right in a sense of unknown panic. Head rested against the bark of a dark wood tree, he would feel the sensation of soft red grasses coursing their way through his fingers. Taking a deep breath of fresh air was something he hadn't felt in what felt like lifetimes, as the cool air soothed his scarred lungs from the ever lasting scent of flame. 'Kÿr!?' Hijìn thought as he skimmed the area by looking left and right with only his eyes that he truly felt that something was off..why was he laying down..and where's the landing site? Is what coursed through his mind until something strange suddenly sent a spine gripping cramp-like pain across his body pinning him to the tree. Teeth locked shut as if something coiled around his jaw and kept them closed, Hijìn was bewildered by what this could possibly be as he desperately tried no avail.

Right hand twitching violently was present from the truth of what was really going on here, as the very veins of his hand appeared to rapidly bulge against his tan flesh and pulsate every second at a steady pace. Watching this with his eyes widened as much as they could he could just manage to catch a glimpse of what appeared to be a small black worm creeping out from his forearm. As it inched its way further along it became ever present that it was sensing the world around it, twitching its pointed head around and smelling the world beneath it before violently twitching in what felt to be disgust. Every scent that was rippling through the worm was amplified and felt by the man, whom was powerless to whatever was holding him back as the worm-like tentacle branched out like a course of thorn bush roots and expanded about the man's hand completely. Hand enveloped in these spiked thorn bush roots would stab into the man's flesh, underneath his nails making him whimper and grown from the pain causing his very eyes to water, and lastly their course into his bones and muscle fibers.
Hand suddenly raised and alleviated, Hijìn stared as his own forearm lifted itself up on its own with palm widely extending its fingers out as it got to around eye level. Left eye suddenly throbbing with a serious migraine that make him buckle as if something was boring it's way through his own skull nearly made him brain dead as his head slightly twitched left and right almost as if unnaturally analyzing the hand. A voice..a voice..I've never heard before..spoke "What..pity..stuck in some weak mortals..flesh...once again~ it will take.." the voice cut itself off as the hand seemingly turned left and right almost infatuated as he had no control over anything at this point as the voice finished with: "For me to My Will~", before the hand quickly dislocated from turning around to face him so quickly that it formed sharp claws on the tips of his fingers and suddenly stabbed into his face.

The gush of pain as his hand stabbed into his face was permitted to make him fall ahead and hold his hand down on the ground with his other hand, panting heavily as his face dripped from his own clawed hands attack he looked down at the darkened hand that seemed to twitch for..merely a moment. As it laid down in the warm red grass the hand would form a bundle of thorns in the center of his palm, Hijìn watching this would grow shocked as the thorns opened up to a single black eye staring up at him coldly as the voice softly whispered into his ear in its gritted voice: " are the fool I fell for..all that time..ago~ Shame I know you won't ever remember..after what they did to you..but don't worry Boy..this won't hurt..forever~". Hijìn growling out trying to say something was cut off from his own voice box being strangled from within was left with mere stutters as the thorns on his corrupt palm seemed to writhe in enjoyment "Don't be Afraid..This..will be..only a short nightmare~ One you..won't..awake from- Now..Sleep~".

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