Crown of Thorns..

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Chapter: 26 Arc: 3 

It's a vilifying feeling. The Abyss. Its ever consuming and in being around it only makes you truly a part of it. The threads ever growing..its a sickness...I'm a sickness. I can't help but corrode..I'm only doing what I've been created to do...and infect. Infect my..

...what's the point.

I-I! I..N..Agh!


  Searing binds corrode at the fabrics of your body, opening your eyes you don't see anything except darkness...its ever-consuming abyss taking over each passing instant. You cannot move your body, not a single nerve flares, nor does any strand of hair follows your are trapped in something that isn't yours any longer. Wincing subconsciously, you manage to force your eyesight to flicker for a second as if you had just blinked. You are laying down on the cold wet concrete and the shivering feelings of a dead world increase tenfold with that one action alone. Thinking to yourself you say 'Why can't I move? Damn it everything feels like a flashback to me now..the whiplash over whatever just happened still has be taken aback..whats going on now?!-', your thoughts getting interrupted by someone speaking quietly as if right behind your ear saying, " it."

Immediately looking upwards, you are trapped in a subconscious state of mind where you aren't delved deep into reality and instead in some small space. Binds holding your whole body from moving an inch had you pressed against a corner all to yourself, gaining some sense as to what's around you the only option you were capable of was opening an eye and looking out to what this dimension of subconscious thought had in store. Mushy footsteps pressing their weight upon the threaded ground grew near and nearer to your location, head jolting left to right you attempted to escape in time for whatever was coming to lose you, but it was already too late. Quick strike and your lower face grabbed through the black tar-like bindings you were met by a familiar yet changed being, Xèhtrï, their face riddled in deep seared cuts and scars across their rotten black tar-like flesh stared into your eyes with its emptying eyes shining like black voids into the soul.

Head trashed left and right with their clawed hands Xèhtrï stares at you in distain and confusion, their legs somewhat trembling underneath their own weight you could feel their cold body shaking violently underneath your gaze. Your dull green eyes staring right back at them Xèhtrï scoffs revealing their cracked jaw full of razor-sharp teeth soon pushing your head to the side and walking off a bit not enthralled by your presence at the slightest. Holding their right arm which seemed to fall to pieces then reform every instant, Xèhtrï coughed a few times leaving some black tar-like fluid on the ground beneath them only sniffling once settling in the quiet atmosphere around you two. Back turned to you all you could see is their curl black haired head hang for a second as they let out a soft but outright disappointed sigh, slightly shrugging their shoulder back to ask "How why..did.. you come back." Furrowing your brow for a moment as the threads binding your body throbbed a softer grip around you allowing minor breathing room you could only watch in some level of misplacement. "I..can feel..your thoughts..theres no point in hiding anything..just answer- why did you come back?" slightly glancing at you as their back was still mostly turned your way.

You can't utter a word, throat feels ripped to shreds and the binds aren't helping you either, seeming to struggle to break free Xèhtrï takes notice of this and grows slightly more frustrated as their body began to vibrate. "Why? Why? Why?! WHY?!" Hearing their thought as well somehow distracted you from the instant they full on disappeared and blasted you from your prison onto the wet floor sending you tumbling along before catching ground and skidding on your heels to face them. Body no longer bound you stretched your arms in this newfound strength that makes you feel quite uncomfortable seeing as it feels more alien than anything else. Voice jumping left to right from all directions made you pause for a moment as what was coming only grew more furious the longer you stayed quiet. "You couldn't have just stayed dead?!" "Why is it always the same shit huh?!" "Get hit once get hit twice it's like your unkillable haha no I'm wrong!" "Face it we are inseparable that's why you came back!? You just wanted to see me suffer at my job huh?!" "The repeated failure again misses the mark and gets beaten by all obstacles in their way!?" "So why didn't you." "JUST STAYED DEAD?!" Before out of nowhere Xèhtrï appeared from the figments of nothing after zooming at unreachable speeds and straight up spin kicking you into the pavement knocking you into the distance like a rock skipping on water.

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