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Chapter: 21 Arc: 2 
Ground begins to rumble ever so much harder every passing second, the morning rays of purple, red, and blue skies blessing the room with graceful light. Bodies torn of war and weakness got the rest they deserved after so long, but as the day had just begun with the sunlight touching their face only the worst had begun to come. Crackling of leaves and groaning of hardwood frames made the ground tremble beneath them even more as they slept..bodies ignoring the signs of change it was coming with a forefront. From the deep stretches of the remaining forests just beneath them..a ear piercing scream would ring in their consciousness..somber eyes of white cold death would shoot open in fear of familiarity..screams so horrifying it made the trembling halt to a standstill as your soul reawakens to reality once more..
Head shakes in an endless tremor like your whole body is terrified of the insurmountable level of pain trying to tear you in half, scrunching up of your whole face as time past this reminded you of how powerless you were to the larger forces in this world. Clenching of your jaw so tightly some of your teeth chip as the force applied to your body is so strong your practically turned into atomized flesh- Now Fly Away Little Birdy and come back when Your Stronger!

Time Since Passed..

The rapture of the sky above you tearing your body asunder, black skies and peering eyes of death staring your very soul into its own image of creation. Unable to even react your body felt drained of all its strength until this very point where you had one final choice, Live or Die, but with everything cast down to your very own hubris you rip into the stars and call upon this final action.

All Father Poise me with the Strength to Survive

This will be in Kÿr's POV:

The Entities giant fist breaking through the final pieces of your defenses. Unaffected by your most strongest attack you stare on in horror as it instantly vanishes at speeds never before seen and peers it's image on top of you with no remorse. Stars aligning in the sky you quickly jerk your arms to your side and instantly make a several foot thick barrier of the strongest metals you can even imagine just in time. An explosion of air and fractured bone pierces the turbulent skies as your small body is flung off into the distance like a rag doll thrown from a apartment building to the streets below at breakneck speeds. Clenching your jaw so hard you just managed to blurt out a scream, "NnnAGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!", tumbling across the skies with your right arm blown to bits and chunks of your ribs piercing your internal organs you are sent off. "Mo-th..DAMN IT!!!". How could I have been such an idiot I should've keep holding it back, hit it with something stronger? Or or or haha maybe have gotten the fuck out of there maybe?! That would've been a better idea r-

Kÿr's mangled body left a trail of blood as he flew through the air, Rajòz striking all around him as he flew over the sole remaining woods of this strange world, shockwaves from the original fight causing tremors all around the world until one final one shook the feline-like creature to his core. Looking back with one open eye he would stare out to the explosions ringing out, "F-fucK! Hijìn! No! DAMN IT!! DAMN YOU- YOU NEEDLESS WHORE!!!!", Kÿr managed to scream out as two giant thrusters formed on his back and blasted him back. He wanted to make it back before it was the undoubted end of his friend, his body ripping itself apart from the shift in force made him vomit blood all over himself as he boosted forwards, right arm flailing all about as he charged forward through the skies he began to yell in pain as he went faster and faster. One remaining eye open as he boosted forward made him spin in the air with no coordination, propulsion stuttering as his body grew weaker and weaker he used all his anger to try to make it back as fast as possible.

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