Imagination has all but Faded Lost Dreams

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Chapter: 6 Arc: 4

Rustling of crackling fire itched at your mind, the figurative kiss of death is something you've thought you've felt for so long so many times..yet..why do they all feel like lies. Why are my memories so scattered..why can't I put the pieces back's all a haze. Tender flesh escaping rugged hide..what else is left for those once said to dream..except the end. shoots between my own nerves..running my system. Does It HURT

Sudden flashes of imagery keep coursing through your mind, cutting through your veins and intoxicating your mind with memories once lost. As you hold your head and writhe you can only hear the piercing shrieks of that yellow moths call as it calls for you in your mind as all you can do is shout out in agony to its effects. Unlike the first zap that it gave you a mere tingling disrupted feeling..this was a full course dose of unbridled never fades..away...Just..Open..Your..EYES

The sand graces past you, its soft and warm tenderness blow past your hair as you stare on out to the endless horizons. The small scampering critters that run on all six legs into the distance sporting their white fur and scales as camouflage go in the distance. The world feels to peaceful, the unbridled scent of death unknown to you just like home. You look all around to what's before you as the water filled hard plants that bulge from the ground ring with their ripeness, home never looked so alive as small darting arrow shaped fauna zip through the puffy clouded skies. Soft kiss of the suns rays poking through the clouds shimmer across the scarred smoky tan skin as you close your eyes and breathe in so deeply. Home. Home when it used to be so full..with the migrating herds of flock that traveled beyond the the deep ravines blooming with its many was so..much the last paradise. The last stronghold..where the wells of the damned..were never in our hearts. How much..I'd give..just to experience this one last time..just to be..Home.

Opening your eyes it suddenly changes, once warm and sunny environment turns into a temperate and darker location as you breathe in the scents of freshly cut grasses and the rich mahogany. You hear the distant voices being overshadowed by the cool breeze passing over your ears and flowing throughout your hair. Slowly opening your eyes you look out at the small camp, the camp up in the trees of the dark wooded and red leafed canopy. The small trinkets, the line hanging from branch to branch, the web stringed flooring holding it all up, and the scent of cooking fish on the fire brought it all back. Looking down at your own hands you see the scars that wrap around your fingers and go across your palm. Clenching them tightly you feel the weakness in your bones taking hold of you once again. This isn't was almost going to be. Hearing the heavy footsteps of individuals below you take ahold of your mind as peering through the string webbed platform you see the passing by of your distant family. Their robust canine built bodies lumbering on by gracefully as their minded their own business took ahold of how long it's truly been since you've last seen anything similar...

Indistinct voices behind you make you turn around to see the small somber sight again, the small Sìrlan in his giant sweater and rugged appeal in these crimson woods perked up and smiling as he grabs a stick piercing many cut fish facing off at someone else. Finally taking your proper seat as you crossed your legs once again make your sights aimed ahead only to see someone take their seat in a white puffy long sleeve be no one else but Hèr'La. Her rosy pink hair moving gracefully in the wind as she smiled back at Kÿr as they shared a meal together, it was if you were watching their lives transpire as a third person spectator as they had their small conversations. Kÿr's bombastic personality being shown as he postured himself in front of the fire and began rambling on about something, yet, even as you tried listening in the memory kept the voices all Hèr'La seemed to put her hand in front of her mouth and giggle slightly at what's happened.

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