Embroidered Horns wrapped in Tentacle Swarms

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Chapter: 31 Arc: 3

Ground quietly shaking from how much mass appears to be moving around, Xèhtrï and Rimi stand at the very edge staring off in all directions as to what could possibly be coming at them. Muddled between the grumbling of the earth beneath your feet is the ever set pair of heavy footsteps approaching from the forests edge, inching its way closer as the sense of the mass wave beginning to split in two amongst the foliage surrounding you just past your sight. Rimi taking a step forward would only gaze back in some sense of discomfort yet confusion as to what's going on, while Xèhtrï on the other hand was blasted from all edges by weird scents and tense feeling of a familiar gaze they've known forever. The ever present dominant feeling broke forth at the very epicenter of the shifting mass rumbling the ground before you; Crested rigid horns aimed ahead corked back and at the sky, flat angled face in a sharpened chin, solid human-like teeth rounded to a point nearly going around the whole head, coming from the woods was a imposing figure who's presence alone set the strangest of feelings..as it's eyeless face stared ahead...barely opening its maw letting out the deepest bellows as frozen air poured from its insides, evaporating upon being exposed to the outside air.

Xèhtrï perking up would see this figure in the not so far off distance and would furrow their brow, the scent they've been chasing was irradiating off their very rigid body. Rimi's visor materializing over their eyes would squint trying to see better as to what's the individual standing before them, scanners going haywire as a strange feeling meddled in their tech different from before would make their visor break in two on the floor by their feet. Rimi dazed by this was met by Xèhtrï quickly thrusting a hand in front of them and taking a step forward having an agitated look on their face. Looking down at the hand then backup at Xèhtrï's face Rimi made the wise decision of stepping back without questioning anything, simply pressing the right ear muffle and whispering to the intercoms for a signal "Hello? Ani? Can you hear me?! We might need support some weirdo is coming towards us and he might be a problem do send some support asap!" Before the message was cut off by heavy static and the strange sound of glass shattering on the other end making Rimi wince in discomfort turning the mic off.

The lumbering figure standing way taller than the two would stop only a few meters away from the forest edge facing straight at the two, Xèhtrï watching this individual would take a step ahead of Rimi and immediately feel this immeasurable pressure being crushed upon their shoulders. Eyes widening for a second would nearly buckle their knees from how intense this was upon their body, whole body trembling from this feeling would make them face up at the individual who now had their head leaned to the right as if curious to what's happening to them. Bulky shoulders raised making each muscle fiber underneath it's dense hide would send a rising feeling of the pressure upon Xèhtrï's shoulders making them nearly kneel form how heavy this was becoming, being unable to even gasp for a breath Xèhtrï snarled in aggravation and glanced back at Rimi who watched on in shock trying to grab something from their bookbag saying: "H-Hey! I might have something to help! Let me H-", with Xèhtrï responding back loudly in a protective demeanor "NO! STAY BACK! If you get close..it'll push every organ and bone in your body..Ngh..out of your Ass!..d-damn IT!"

Xèhtrï jerking to the right leaning on their right leg would thrash their barely abled left arm causing a bundle of thorn vines to materialize creating a identical clone of them right by Rimi. Snarling out with the very weight getting so bad their feet were pulverized into a pulp and buried deep underground with each passing second, Xèhtrï said: "Jackass! Other Me! Make sure she isn't touched by anything without my damn consent! GOT THAT?!" Xèhtrï clone chuckling and smirking would respond back as it stood in the safety range of the pressure holding Rimi back saying: "Yes..so high one~." Rimi watching with eyes wide open seeing a whole clone of the man come from thin air watched the original with some level of concern asking: "What..can you even do? What will you do? This is some next level invisible bullshit?!" "I'll just have to manage..just like me n him always had..now stay back before I'll have to kick your ass myself.."

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