"Weight of all Sin Crushed me for a chance at Life.."

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  Arc: 2 Chapter: 10 2/2

The early morning dew sets in on the spits of red grass littering this world of blood, their shades of reds and oranges decorating everything the eye can see. Dark wooded treats sway left and right gently in the breeze, the small scent of salt in the air making the morning ever the better. Heavy padded feet stepped down heavily on the soft ground as the world around you began to awake to the suns soft kisses of sunlight. With the flimsy movements of small bodies, to the buzzing of small insects going on by, there was nothing except the solace of peace..leaving no one's eyes except yours..
The only eyes that stayed peering on..watching every small instance change before your very eyes..the beauty that can be only watched from seeing the world go so Slow..

The Elder Chieftain walking out from the camp would pass by tents and small shacks made from spare resources and head past it all to the clearing. Other survivors either sleeping in or just managing to wake would be oblivious to what's going on. Taking a few steps onto the patch of red grass that surround the tree the Elder stopped, turning their sights to the tree and staring at it uncomfortably as if something was wrong with it. Yet, seated at the very bottom of the tree was the young man and the Sìrlan, both of whom appeared to be resting perfectly fine until the Elder noticed something. Squinting their eyes they noticed the man was awake just not moving- taking a chance to raise their arm up and face the man it wouldn't take long for the man to notice this.

Hijin glancing over with heavy bags under his eyes saw the chieftain and would begin to stir, the Sìrlan resting his head against the man's leg would sniffle in the early morning breeze only to roll over and hug his tail tightly curling up in a ball. Man looking down at the Sìrlan would softly scratch the top of the Sìrlan's head, watching as the feline would somewhat move towards the scratches in his sleep before falling back down. Promptly getting up the man walked his way from the tree and towards the chieftain, with the chieftain watching onwards as he was somewhat puzzled from the man's obliviousness to the strange sensation from the tree. Slightly ruffled from it the two postured up well as even in the man's exhaustion, he firmly clenched his fist and slammed it down in his chest and slightly bowing his head to the Elder. Both of whom shared the same practice before the Elder got close and put both hands on the man's upper arms.

  Hijìn confused watched as the Elder for a second seemed to have a deep yellow glow before eventually just patting his arms down a few times. Quick exhale and the Elder softly smiled at him, Hijìn was undoubtedly confused for this action but simply left it to social practice these groups had compared to back home. Elder quickly signing 'Come-Come' with two right hands as even for his age- seemed to quickly move throughout the camps behind them as if it wasn't nothing. The man somewhat surprised opened is eyes a bit more as his exhaustion felt a bit..mended..like he just woke up fully that time..strange. Taking a step on ahead he followed suit. For the few minutes that passed on by there was the clanking of pots and pans, bubbling of cremes, sharpening of blades, and the small occasional chirp of a nearby fluff flying by. The Man somewhat overwhelmed by such claustrophobic situations tried his best to squeeze on through, but without any setbacks like occasionally bumping into a steam rack or the small tea table with fortunately no one was at.

  Finally making it through, the Elder had taken the man to the largest tent in the very southern side of the whole camp. Hijìn carefully analyzing it saw all the small golden carvings in the tatted black leather curtains as he was let inside. The tent was roomy, filled with many giant bean bag-like chairs to sit down on, large rectangular table in the center, dotted maps all across the walls with bullet points detailing specific information, hanging lentils, roots, and drying meats from smoking on tiny racks, few pole arms decorated on weapon stands at the far back, and lastly the massive etched carpet in the middle with a odd golden symbol in the middle.

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