Eyes... eyes are all that I see

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Chapter: 2 Arc: 2

The snapping of twigs on the ground beneath the campsite was all that could be heard, the woods were silent apart from the whistling of wind passing by the leaves. This new place truly did seem like a paradise- far away from all worries and with many places to explore and conquer. The feeling of eyes, the feeling that something was watching you always lingered in the wind.. could it be the trees had eyes everywhere? Or could it be that something was always keeping an eye on every move you do.. till it finally pierces your flesh with its spindly needle straight into your brain..

The haze of my eyes kept the sensation of sleep so comforting.. like I don't need to wake and could just rest forever in peace with myself, only the strange feeling of pressure over myself making my exhausted mind picture things I couldn't truly see. Like if someone was right on top of me.. holding a thing over my head in the air- is that.. a person..? Eyes wide open and jumping off the tree behind him Hijìn would be in a cold sweat, looking all around him he was in a state of panic. Kÿr would roll on his side, lips making small popping sounds as he was still dreaming- early morning sun warming his now dry body with its comforting rays. Hijìn couldn't grasp what he saw- was it a dream or was someone really on top of him with what seemed to be a knife, putting a hand to his head he slicked his hair back until he realized something was wrong. Closing his hand and feeling it he checked and his chest, face, arms, and body in itself were coated in a thick layer of blood- not his blood but others' blood.

  The small chunks of animal parts dotted on his body made him question what he had done while he was asleep as he saw a black bulging vein creep its way up his forearm. Its pulsating visible mass causing some internalized pain as the man clenched his forearm trying to stop it. Only to no avail as the pulsating vein seemed to know what he was going to do and froze his hand halfway before vanishing up his arm as he could only groan before his hand was finally allowed to slap his normal forearm. The dismay of what this thing could be was beginning to really eat at him..but the question begs on..what did he do while he was unconscious. As the last thing left echoing in his head was the ever so white noise sounding cackles of that same voice seeming to move around his body at random as if burrowing through his own flesh. Mind racing as he passed his hand around himself trying to find out what to do he began to realize what he was looking like. Growing fearful that Kÿr may grow afraid of him after looking like he killed a million people he began to grow anxious. Hearing Kÿr's mumbling he suddenly panicked, jumping down the large tree branch by branch, until he descended before he reached the ground and rolled before running off into the woods disappearing.

Eyes open he was wide awake, Kÿr stretched his limbs in all directions like a star as his tired body quaked to his awakening. Scratching his head he pets the ground by him staring blankly at the branch beneath him, aimless for a few moments until turning around and seeing a bloody stain where Hijìn was. His ears dropped to their sides growing scared someone had killed his friend, seeing a trail leading down the tree he quickly chose to follow only to lock eyes with sludge-looking creatures, filled with eyes, teeth, and tentacles all over. These strange sludge-like creatures seeming to avoid them due to Hijìn, would now start blooming from the very fibers between plant stems as they creeped their way towards the Sìrlan. Void of his friend's odd protection from these things he was on his own jumping back onto their small platform trying to see anywhere else he could flee to, minor screeching from behind as even more of these strange creatures started to come around him.

At the river Hijìn was busy lathering his body with the clean water trying to get the stains of blood off him, as the puddles worth of blood would begin to stain their path down the rivers stream getting onto everything. Panic growing as the stains seemed impossible to remove, the sudden sounds of brushing leaves drew his attention turning to the riverbank only to witness a strange animal. The animal had a skull-like shell on its face, a fur-covered muscular body, and a distinct shaggy tail- it came to drink noticing the blood in the water and staring up to see Hijìn. Its eyes in the dark eye sockets of the skull mask widened, almost as if in pure terror it would begin to yelp out before running away into the forest. He was put off by the animal's reaction- he has never really seen anything like that before why would it be fearful of him, shrugging as he kept scrubbing the blood stains off him he heard the familiar screams of someone he knew. 'It was Kÿr! Something must've happened back at the camp!' Hijìn thought as he tried getting out of the water as fast as he could till he was able to run back to see what was going on.

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