Rip Yourself Asunder and Pray

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Chapter: 19 Arc: 2 
The once beautiful red continent was now mostly a wasteland of charred rock and buried life forms, pieces barely able to reform- soft hands would cusp you and take you away. Path of Darkness consumed you and now facing the birth of it all you reconsider it all in this final act of love- you are in no way redeemed and must die endless lives to recapture said faith. The ground rumbled to a halt as roaring in the wind shook the world, what was doing that? The Entity now gone and it's catalyst thrown out like the waste it is on the ground like a smoked cigarette bud, your left wondering as the dark skies rage on whether or not it is truly worth it to move on..
I-I..Bless me this once..Please..
I beg on my knees for your love..Hh..
I Promise on what remains of my soul to deem it so..just gimme this final chance!

  Shouting images of cold ring in your head, that odd glowing light, damn moisture filled room, and stabbing feeling coursing through your's that dream again, fluorescent light above your head from so long ago- remembering the time you spent with Hèr'La in her campsite made you think. After seeing such a distraught individual fall from grace in such a way it makes sense now why Hèr'La was all alone in the woods wandering around randomly, she was abandoned like stray cat in the winds of time, until we came along and made her life a whole lot worse. As you feel the nerves in your arm fire off you would try to move your arm to no avail, feels like nothing is there- warm burnt ground being your only sense of comfort as your remains ever so barely writhed on the ground. Your lasting moments in the world feeling like an eternity as the last pieces of you try their best to cling on to their remaining breath. Cemented within as the sounds of crunching footsteps on the hard soil grew ever so closer to you, just before your resting remains were scooped up with delicate hands..

  Somber felt and many more between their minds those soft hands, cold to the touch, would scoop you and cup you- feeling of kindredness filling your dead remains before they slowly placed you down into a small jar and walked away with you. Fractions of your body long since gone leave their ghostly nerves firing off within you as it still feels like you have a body, the lumbering imposing force above you that took you moving ever so slowly in the distance, one step at a time with their weak soulless body taking you far from this destruction. Your remaining eye peering through the glass can just barely make out your surroundings, scorched earth being a reminder of your mistakes as well, if only you had heeded the warnings and kept your cool this would have never happened. Eye growing so accustomed to the sight so much you finally choose it as such and decide to rest, to regain strength, to grow- the feeling within yourself ever so slowly returning, but with no true progress your only stuck as the pieces of a greater whole...left to the whims of this being ever so larger then you.

  Time had passed since you had fallen asunder, to no surprise the being holding you in the jar kept on walking, and as you gained some strength back you would look all around you as best you can through the glass to see the first ever signs of life. Small shrubs and low hanging plant life survived the powerful shockwaves from the Entities attacks many days ago, their red torn to pieces leaves danced around slowly in the soft wind, the crunching of dead leaves beneath the large beings feet giving you some level of comfort as it makes it feel less of a dream. As much as seeing said world around you still exist you choose to bathe in the rays of the dual suns poking through the glass, feeling of warmth coursing though you their was no thought but to rest once again. Your mind kept dozing off the further on this went as every so often you would wake up again to see so many more things change around you, odd blasts inside of remaining trees making your suspicions grow as to what made this and why is it so high up. They paused...fearing for your life you jolt up from your last rest and glance around, the specialty crafted jar housing you behind decorated with many designs distorted the view through the glass as you looked all about for what was going to happen. You would begin to ascend...

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