Broken Teeth, Ripped Skin, and Melded Souls..

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Chapter: 10 Arc: 3 
Following the younger one deeper and deeper into the catacombs of this holding facility presents more and more challenges the further you go
What else comes from this than knowing what bad things could come forth from doing could someone shove such a horrid monster into someone so young..slowly killing them with each piece
Spoken forth of a safe haven filled with others like them..why do I feel like there will be nothing more than the same suffering as always..
Ripped apart, splayed down on a table, veins shoved into your brain, your not even yourself anymore..
Yellow piercing eyes of this one..remind me of Her eyes..such sorrow for what she's been through..
Dainty Dainty walls..
Such a Forgotten Parable..such a forgotten..Parable..

Hopping over a empty bed frame to a broken wall, Aiden looked back to see everyone else carefully following him with some hesitation, the parasitic growth in his eye writhing every so often whispered to him quietly, 'I hate that we have to deal with IT so promised me we'll have our chance to feed', Aiden smacking the side of his head a few times in frustration wanting the voices to subside. Hijìn casually approaching the boy stared down at him as half of his face winced from Xèhtrï taking over his blinded side only to pester saying, "What..? Can't handle the control Hmn..Scared that your evolutionary superior is haunting your every step~", Vìrkä carrying Kÿr in her arms stared up at the man in some displeasure not a massive fan of this whole cocky behavior he's been displaying since they met Aiden. On the other hand, Aiden cowered a bit knowing full well what that voice was speaking through Hijìn's body, 'How can he let these things take control over his body so often...Feeeed..Meeee~ Shut Up! SHUT UP!!', Aiden winced turned off from the whole scenario quickly sprang over the shattered dry wall in his way to the path he was going on originally. Hijìn watching this display licked his teeth and smirked following the young one deeper and deeper into the catacombs of this abandoned experimental facility, Kÿr and Vìrkä made eye contact seeing this and in unison felt disgusted before catching each other doing the same thing. Kÿr reacting first leaned back crossing his arms saying, "Heyyyyy You better not be mimicking me with your dumb future sight ya green broad", "Pfft like I'd ever want to mimic your dainty short stack of a miserable self Kÿr..cmon be realistic, now shush I want to listen in on their hidden conversations", Vìrkä responded before grabbing Kÿr's head and tucking it into her chest to muffle his screams of agony, she felt nothing but annoyance from this little one, but since it is Hijìn's friend she has to at minimum tolerate this pest for as long as she can till she can find Hèr'La once again.

Seeping whispers from both parasitic voices echoed out to one another in a quiet telepathic frequency, both berating one another endlessly while their hosts could do nothing but listen to the screams on either side. Hijìn jerking his head to the left with the same cocky grin asked to Aiden whom kept his head down, "So..Youngling..Aiden right? Who are these Impacters? Who's their leader Hmnn~? Are they injectable like your friend here keeps pleading..?", Aiden scoffing in annoyance replied as he threw tables piled over the blocked doors to the side said, "Like I said before we are experiment survivors..and yes we do they're called Drauker, they make sure everyone here eats and no one kills more people..we're running thin but may you please stop arguing with Darï it's very annoying to hear their voice yell so much..Xèhtrï." Hijìn coughed a few times that ended in a small chuckle replied with black void spots like freckles dotting his left eye, "Of course..~", 'Drauker..~ Fun name..not indigenous..definitely from these mountain Fun..I do hope we can see this place more and more and more and more and more..Teheh..How Fun~", Hijìn thoughts muddled with Xèhtrï's made a mess of his behavior as just from being in this weird place and the Hydra getting severely injured too..what's going on here.

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