Fated Clash of Heart and Will..

16 3 0

Chapter: 16 Arc: 2
Leaves softly blew in the early harvest season, fish-like creatures swam in the rivers and streams, small winged animals hopped from tree to tree gliding back and forth with extended skin membranes, peaceful sounds echoed throughout the endless abyss of red woods. Out of the fabric of thin air traveling at high speeds two beings collided again and again and again, the peace was disrupted, and the surrounding wildlife perished in the strength of the shockwaves emitted from such powerful beings. Eyes glistening in the early morning sun the fight had only just begun to pick up. Long bantering aside the emotion of gruesome death haunted those surrounding them, only their movements being so fast it caused air vacuums to form when they re-emerged to hit one another. Explosions were all that you could see..now get me up close and personal~

(Vìrkä ⬆️(depicts her with a chest but she's completely flat chested)(Hijìn ⬇️done by Djalesta on insta)

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(Vìrkä ⬆️(depicts her with a chest but she's completely flat chested)
(Hijìn ⬇️done by Djalesta on insta)

   Blade of faded purple grass softly blew in the wind ever so graceful- ripping through the underbrush Hijìn flew out from a gust of wind knocking him back, shoulder hitting the ground he bounced up soon rolling before pounding his fist into the ...

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Blade of faded purple grass softly blew in the wind ever so graceful- ripping through the underbrush Hijìn flew out from a gust of wind knocking him back, shoulder hitting the ground he bounced up soon rolling before pounding his fist into the ground catching himself on some roots only for V to reappear above him swinging a strong kick to his head. Explosion of dust, vegetation, and debris erupted from the attack, just from within the two hadn't even budged. Hijìn thrusting his right arm forward blocked the kick getting slammed into the ground, V hopped up snarling in annoyance soon spinning mid air to grab Hijìn by his hair and thrust him headfirst into the ground. Missing her chance to grab him, Hijìn got a hold of her arm trying to launch a kick to her side to stagger her, but out from her soft light green skin erupted many thorns stabbing at his hands making him lose his grip causing him to exclaim out in pain with blood shooting out of his palm. Seeing blood drip out of his arm caused her to laugh out in a sense of victory only this was just a taste of what she could do; In a counter action in such short time Hijìn would swerve to the side making the chain wrapped around his arm to spin and the blade at the end to sway in multiple directions since she was in the air and had limited movement, However, in a change of events as the blades nearly graced her cheek she would somehow dodge them without even moving responding to him by shoving her boots down his neck crushing him beneath her heel. He planted his feet into the ground gritting his teeth as he choked out from how hard she stepped down on him, ground beneath them slowly crumbling she grabbed a hold of his head and did a backflip slamming him face first into the ground. Hijìn's body bounced from the force he was thrusted at, he shook his head in frustration knowing damn well she was going to do something again to try and catch him off guard, punching off the floor that very instant and launching his blade into the ground to stop his momentum.

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