Peaceful City...and a Blissful Time to the Start..

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Chapter: 12 Arc: 3

I don't know why they never one who lives at home has rest. The buildings change shape almost at will as it pulsates each piece to the rhythm of the's like everything here is supposed to be synched with this strange rhythm. Weirder enough..everything seems to be free but also it takes a piece of you away to even make a choice..

Strange peering eyes lurk over your shoulder at every turn..I don't feel like we will be here long..I sense something wrong..
Damn..eyes..they don't..want to work..
I feel so blind..ever since we made it in this cave system..I've..been so weak..
What is hidden here..there must be something..impure of this diamond.. the Love..

  Fresh new arrivals in the city seem so small compared to the grandeur sights all around them as each floor of every building begins to spin independently in either clockwise/counterclockwise motion creating loud whirring sounds as they rapidly spin. The ground beneath you, carved solid with pavement, bounces up beneath your step as the song emanating from the club up ahead blasts so loud it causes near instant deafness. Taking only a few steps ahead the buildings windows come to life while spinning, large glowing projections of random people speaking on sponsors of specific items, sexually inviting propaganda unfiltered for the naked eye, and other strange footage flipped past on screen just as fast as the buildings rapidly rotated. Hijìn walking over some small cleaning robot awkwardly glanced about in some level of discomfort to the whole situation as the whirring of the buildings caused his hair to blow in all directions from the strength of the winds blowing past them. On the other hand Vìrkä had her free hand over her brow trying to block out some of the light due to how illuminated everything was as she said to herself looking about: "Darn place is so bright...takes literally everything to not go completely blind here." Unlike his companions Kÿr was having the time of his life, flowing to the rhythmic bumping of the ground under his feet, casually swaying left to right while bumping his head, and hopping from bench to bench on the sidewalk keeping up pace letting himself get absorbed into the world around him as he yelled out in glee: "Cmon you two don't be so stuck up and sensitive! The musics great!," he would see a small hovering drone fly by holding a plate full of glowing beverages and he'd leap over snagging one for free and drinking it immediately, "a-Aha! And the drinks are great! It's a free life here!"

Whizzing of small drones and cleaner robots by caught Vìrkä's attention as they collectively went off together past their eye line between buildings seemingly to do their job in another sector of the city, "Hmn..odd", she muttered to herself as she tried to move ahead she was stopped by the same feeling around her wrist. The two looking down at their hands interlocked Hijìn and Vìrkä would face one another with a straight face while they walked forward, Hijìn taking notice of this cleared his throat using some of Xèhtrï's assistance to say: "I'm sorry- I was..caught in the moment Ill let go of your han-." "'s fine I don't particularly mind, I trust you wouldn't lead me into danger out of your own volition Hijìn..", Vìrkä said with a small smile to the man as she moved her gaze off his eyes and to the path ahead not sensing the strangeness of the situation..or it seemed that way, Hijìn glancing down at their interlocked hands pondered it for a moment as he tried not to fall over from the vibrating ground beneath his feet, 'H-her hands are..soft..Hmn..What's..Ngh..S what's wrong parasite? Ng..Fff-FuCk! Hey! Cut the drama what's up with you!?', Hijìn thought to himself as he winced in discomfort a few times due to an internalized feeling of distress building up within him till a voice snapped him from his thoughts back into reality. Kÿr barrel rolling off a trash can and onto the street infront of the duo saying aloud: "YO Yo Yo! They have auditions for a star performer! Loooook!", Kÿr immediately pulling a flier out for a pop star actor and shoving it into Hijìn's face over and over again made the man raise a brow in confusion. Kÿr flipping the paper and facing it he smiled in glee as it seemed like large glistening stars appeared over his eyes as he grew more excited, "This is perfect! I'll be a star! You'll see me! For it is me Kÿr who'll be a star in this star cityyy!", he said before once again scurrying off ahead jumping all over the place and even through random individuals who seemed to be taking the same path. Hijìn sighed in exhaustion seeing no end to this small Sìrlan's persistence of confidence glancing all around at the unique individuals who resided in the city become more common and common the further in they walked..till he felt the smallest feeling graze his palm, quickly turning back around he still saw Vìrkä peeping the bright sights and small automatons except the small feeling persisted until he looked down and saw her thumb pass its way over his hand back and forth slowly. "You know even with all this small time passed..sights seen..and more security than ever before..I still wish to live my day like it's the last one, I had time to take risks and I've made some dumb ones- I know I said I was unsure wether or not I was happy with the two of you on the ship, but I think I've made my choice for sure this time..", Hijìn heard from the woman as he looked up to see her side eyeing him while they walked having a small smile spread across her dark purple lips, Hijìn couldn't understand this odd feeling pressuring his shoulders but he still watched on having some growing levels of interest with each second passed like if time had slowed down for the two of them.

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