Cataclysm and World Ender Forgone..

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Chapter: 18 Arc: 2
(Past the MidWay Point of the Second Arc..

Something had changed with her..something..that cannot be described..
Her body can't seem to go any longer- yet her will burns on ever further!
For even with her tattered wings she breaks beyond her bodily above may know how hard she tried..
Will I ever see you again..?

..I-I wish Hèr'La was here..I miss..Her..

V laughing like the mad woman she was breathed heavily as she spread her arms out and faced the two boys, blood pouring down from her forehead covering her face in her own tainted black tint. Her arms covered in all her scars projected her anger and lust for all she wanted and hated, lust aimed for her promises, she could only bellow out a loud cackle at the nearness of her success. Kÿr watching on in abject terror didn't know what to do nor how to react to such a sight, while Hijìn in his worn down state, managed to stand up in defiance wanting to continue going even if it cost him his life. Crack. V thrusting her arm forth tried to summon her blade in hand yet couldn't, the strength within her caused a visible crack to run down her arm, its jagged ends radiating a thin sheet of glowing yellow energy. Looking down at her arm she stopped laughing and grew bewildered. Crrrack. Again the noises broke through her as she saw cracks spread across her cheek and upper chest as more energy poured through ever so softly.

  The very essence of her own being began to snap, the drive, the passion within her, whatever Love that could ever be salvaged Died. She passed her hand over the energy and it violently burned at her, a burn so deep it was excruciating beyond belief, as if something so karmic had come forth to punish her. That was when she felt the weight of it, the weight of her decisions, all that she had done came barreling down on her in this very moment as the cracks ran up and broke forth across her face towards her bloodied forehead. Came forth the painful churning of her insides making her wane for a moment, looking down at her bloodied scarred palm seeing the blood evaporating upon contacting the energy from the cracks she stopped. Hijìn and Kÿr facing one another backed up a bit unsure of what this could be as they saw her physical break apart. Eyesight splitting, V looked up at the two boys and nearly collapsed on the spot, mere moments before the rapture something horrible snapped within V's mind:

'...Forgone..such a strange saying, yet everyone says it all the time like we're all supposed to understand it. Forgone with nothing left, Forgone with all lives saved, and Forgone you've brung back such Joy..what would it even mean to me- the sight of that..the clone, was it projecting perverted thoughts of mine? The path remains the same..same as always..straight line in an endless abyss of darkness..shine of light going deeper and deeper in until there is nothing else but me. I-I can't feel my s-Skin..I..I'm cold..? Warmth is an obsolete feeling? Wait no..No! What am I doing? Break out of this cycle we have to- she mustn't be too far from here I'm sure I could save Hèr'L-'

"You've been such a perfect conduit for all this time, such majesty run forth and yet you've believed yourself a Goddess all along. You are everything the mounds of dead wanted and more~ All those sacrifices and all those murdered for nothing except my children's petty should be proud. Stepped this far into the darkness my daughter and performed perfectly! I'm so glad of how far you've come..your helping us with your slaughter..and the karma from your beatings- once this is all over I'll make sure you get the punishment you truly deserve for failing me..Don't worry little daughter of mine- Rest, close those worn down thoughts..Let Your Mother make this swift.."

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