Broken Bones, Last wishes, and my Mistakes..

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Chapter: 7 Arc: 1 

The clouds slowly began to fade, the ground stopped shaking, Rajòz (lightning) quieted down , and the air around them began to settle as all the souls were implanted back into the planet's crust. Although the clouds were gone the sky was shrouded in darkness, stars dotted the skies, the two planets locked in the sky shined in all their holiness radiating red and green glows on the world below, and finally the comets shooting across the skies darting by as small specs of light in a dark world.

  Very entities of darkness overcrowding one another to the limit they began fighting over one another's food as spirits fled as fast as they could as other entities of death pulled them in with their tentacles and consumed them in their hellish maws. Kÿr seeing a small bit of shelter under the remains of some pieces of the spire that remained lead his friend there to hide as more beings crept on by being so tall, they couldn't notice such small prey. Hijìn glancing over a corner hid in this small space and began breathing heavily worried on how to find a way to correct this thinking to himself, 'I can't..keep fighting I'm so worn out..but these things..they'd eat us if we make any noise and there are dozens of them..tch I'm so useless at this moment..I can't', before turning to face Kÿr who sat down on a small rock looking down in a depressive state. The man looking over tried to comfort the poor feline but was met with this: "Hijiaan..I'm sorry..I should've just..I don't know..what..I just don't know anymore this is just too much!" The poor feline looking at the beaten man in a state of concern and fear over the situation. 

The man hanging his head laid his back against the cold broken spire wall piece and sighed deeply, the feline watching as the shadows of the entities of darkness passed by decided to just let it all pass. "Hijiaan..or however you pronounce your supposed name..I-I..I want to fix this..but it's best we leave this whole desert if you want to survive." The man not reacting due to his injuries kept his eyes open and keeping his peace so he can mend his wounds would continue listening as Kÿr went on, "Like..I was asleep for so long in that little cave, I can't even remember my ma or pa due to it being so long..all I had from them was just some basic things at my disposal..they never spoke to me about this strange power I have supposedly called a Blessing, or about my eyes and why I can see even though they are closed, or anything's scary..this world is scary Hijiaan." Hijìn looking over what he said tried his best to keep his composure as it went on, the entities making strange noises outside as they kept feasting on by. 

"All I know is I've had to survive on my own..but how can I do that if I can barely do anything yet when I think of a solution my brain goes all crazy beans and I come up with something and that's that..but..I can't this time..and I don't wanna die..Hijiaan..I don't." The small feline choking up a bit was met by the man scooting over as best he could and pulled into a squeezing embrace, the man sitting back against the wall gently pet the felines head as Kÿr sniffled a few times in the darkness. In the silence of death looming on by the little feline would say, "You know..When I saw you on that old cauldron..I truly did believe you were a fool..except something impulsed me to save you..Maybe it was Fate being nice to me..maybe it was Fate giving me a second chance." Hijìn merely looked on down to the feline who could only speak to cope with the scenario, occasionally looked outside to see what was going on, with the entities dispersing as the weather kept harshly changing. 

"Heh..when I was a kid..I encountered that boney..fuck..He hurt me..treated me like shit when I wanted help the most..I recognized something he said to me in this language we all share..well I mean I learned from a book I found as some old shelter,'s as if he could tell I was different than my Ma and Pa..because..heh..they were so different yet managed to make me..but anytime..I even think of that word..It pisses me off..disrespectful to deem me as something that simple..I am Kÿr! Not your personal pet or any..thing." The small feline clenching his weak fist and shaking it at the sky only for it to fall down limp on his chest, Hijìn wanted to comment something personal as well..even though his mind felt foggy he still had the drive to say at least something..but his body couldn't any longer. All he could do is comfort his friend who in these dire times needed any support he could get, as the very world itself was changing at its seams and they've done the impossible..even little chaos the meekest of heroes in one's eyes somewhere..needed rest. 

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