Squad Cars, Shredded Limbs, Blood tickling my intestines..and weve..done it~

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Chapter: 17 Arc: 3 

Shimmering pieces of glass dance in the air as your head is slammed against the roof of the supercar as the heightened sense of falling strengthens as you enter free fall, the car unwavering in its movements as its exhaust blasted out a clear near translucent green flame propelling them bit by bit in the air. Sounds of glass shards shattering as it slams by nearby buildings only cements that feeling as all you can see surround you is the darkened ash covered limelight's of the crumbled city buildings start piling up the closer you got to the ground. With only mere moments before you hit the ground hard whilst gripping the steering wheel with all your might to not go flying out you scream out in all the white noise: "FUCK! ANI DO SOMETHING BEFORE WE GET BLOWN TO BITS!!!!", the instant you said that out loud the small screen on the dashboard of the supercar glowed a vibrant blue projecting again A. N. I's chibi-esque face whom stayed motionless on display responding with a monotone tone of voice, "A coward are we? Swear based off your combat footage you didn't care for heights...peculiar- hah must be a different fool! But your wish is my command pest! I shall solve this problem myself like always." The ground getting closer and closer it was a bizarre sight to behold if one was to see it from the ground up, but even then as some small insect-like pests crawl past some garbage left on the ground scavenging for any scraps they would immediately scurry away when a small convenience store behind them blew up in a large blast of fire and rubble.

  Curtains burning in the wind, window frames bouncing off trash cans, streetlights ripping through surrounding buildings, and any caught in the blast were instantly vaporized in the large explosion following suit of the crash yet even in the chaotic nature of explosives a peaceful humming consisted in the slowed down moments within your mind. As you can see the remains of two unfortunate souls who were caught in the initial blast you can see their mouths rip open then break off their jaw, skin melt off down to their muscle fibers which ripped apart sporadically, to even the microsecond long instant where their screams could be heard piercing your ears, the moment of this haunted it all as the flames spread all around you until it consumed everything. Blast of heat taking forth the neighborhood around it you'd reopen your eyes to the blind inducing sight of the city limits, flames catching up to your tail you realize you actually survived and begin to touch your face in shock saying: "w-What!? We didn't explode? Y..How..", gripping the steering wheel as the g-force began to increase the faster you went the small display still showing A. N. I would respond with, "Quite simple actually! Haha so gllllllllad you asked! I simply blew up a 908 gigaton bomb right beneath our landing and with this super cars highly advanced resistances due to yours truly you were able to live another day...while sadly..everyone else did not- pfft." Hijìn hearing this would look up at the rear view mirror to see the now settled blast of the explosion leaving nothing but charred streets in all angles void of any life and could only shrug not having felt much for the aftermath just as long as he was fine, laying back in the seat Hijìn not feeling the effects of the immense pressure from their speed relaxed not giving much thought to it as all as the blood and burnt flesh on the cars front screen was wiped clean by window wipers getting left to dust behind the car.

Supercar taking a sharp right hit the corner to the very edge almost slamming itself headfirst into a corner of a abandoned building, Hijìn scoffing in annoyance to the sudden change held onto the side of the seat to not experience that annoying feeling again. To his dismay A. N. I took another sharp turn around a circular intersection grinding the wheels against the concrete shooting soot against the surrounding infrastructure leaving black stains on everything, immediately bursting forward in a straight line they sped beneath a low hanging bridge in their pursuit to the destination. Hijìn jerked about in the movement would take it upon himself to glance all around after taking real notice to the world around them asking aloud in a hope A. N. I responds: "Hey Ani..why is everything here a shit show, but when I initially arrived here everything was beautiful?" A. N. I glitching back on screen would take a lengthy pause before answering as Hijìn watched with a bland stare till A. N. I said through the speakers as the cars interior changed into a varied glow of purple, green, and white, "Before it was prosperous and we had everything contained, Rimi was less exhausted and felt more youthful and her sickness had died down by a massive 67% since the last checkup, breaches were sealed and parasites were wiped out bit by bit, but then out of nowhere something happened...I've been taking calculations into my own hands yet even then I could only sense a rise in antimatter spiking in the planet's atmosphere- even then! It doesn't explain why overnight we went into turmoil and most of our populous of 32 billion vanished inexplicably. The only answer I could possibly defend is that the group were going to hit up is responsible, due to illegal bartering and laundering were able to get weapons of mass destruction and you're here to put a stop to them!" Hijìn slouched back in his seat seeing the lights fly by the glass, reflective white eyes illuminating a soft glow into the world around him, passing a clawed finger past his lip he held his cheek asking aloud as he stayed sight seeing, "By the way..how big is this place? The city I mean? I can't really see the edge anywhere except the time when I came by train car..", A. N. I playing a sinister chuckle sound effect before the screen turned to only one large black eye staring right at Hijìn in a complete white screen, "would you believe me if it was bigger than any known rocky planet?"

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