May the Corpses lie Flat..

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Chapter: 3 pt.3 Arc: 1 
  Picking off from where it was left off, now the two witnessing the horrors released from their fight prior have no choice but to flee. Hijìn grabbed anything he could from the ruined campsite only to turn around and the sky falling with dark clouds. He had never seen such a thing happen where so many clouds blanketed the skies; Kÿr still standing on the rubble of the mountain watched as the large funnel cloud of souls in the distance stretched up hundreds of miles up into the stars, it was if he was paralyzed with fear, the ringing of the screams in his ears leaving him in a trance.

  Hijìn in the panic grabbed his Feline friend and tossed him over his shoulder and began to run like an animal struck with fear of the unknown, he would take a mad dash without direction wanting this to have never happened. Kÿr laid limp on his friend's back unable to voice nothing else but the same thing he said initially "What have we done..". Over and over again he would repeat himself until the sound of echoing thunder finally deafened out the screams- hands clamoring out of the sand with each step trying to drag the poor boy in as he wouldn't stop running.

The storm clouds grew exponentially in size as time passed on and with it so did the wind. The wind blew so harshly that the pearly white sand was shaken off the terrain around it, now exposed the sandstone canyon beneath was all that was available. Hijìn tapping his friend's back trying to get a response was left with empty silence and sounds of heavy breathing, looking down at the canyon with sand and wind blowing down around him he grew scared. Then came the explosions, from the skies up above rained true hellfire. Massive lightning bolts, dozens of feet across and falling thousands of feet struck the ground instantaneously, hundreds of strikes every second rained down onto the world below.

  Animal instincts kicking in again Hijìn held Kÿr closely and would skid down the side of the canyon almost in freefall. He had no blades, no rope, only a spare hand and his feet which would turn to paste the instant it hit the ground. Holding onto his friend he would shake them trying to get them to wake up, he yelled out in confusion seeing the ground slowly grow closer and closer to them. He snarled and in frustration opened one of Kÿr's eyes forcibly causing the Feline to scream out in pain getting out of the trance, "T- Fuck Dude!!?", turning all around to notice the situation they're in Kÿr began to scream.

  The two separated for a second and swimming through the air Kÿr latched on- with only a few moments left the cat aimed both hands down and created a large canon shooting down at the ground to break open a wall on the floor. The two fell through and into an aquifer splashing down and making water shoot out everywhere. Paddling up the boys looked around and swam to the nearest part of the ground, climbing up and laying down on the sandstone platform- Kÿr coughed out water as blood dripped from his eye and onto the floor beneath them, he would say "D..Don't you ever fucking touch my eye again- you understand the..That-". The feline said facing the other with a serious tone in his voice.

  Sniffling from lack of air, Hijìn sat up drenched in water and looked at Kÿr nodding in a concerned state before falling back catching his breath. The two recuperating with the sounds of electricity echoed above as the lightning bolts struck the aquifer roof making the cave shake. Kÿr faced up at the sky only to jump back away from the water against the sandstone pillar behind him as one of the lightning bolts came in through the hole and set the place alight, sparks shooting everywhere, and pillars around them fell from the sheer strength of the bolt. "W..we can't stay here if we do, we'll be crushed when this place collapses.." Kÿr said looking at Hijìn.

  Mutually agreeing he stood up and tried scaling up the pillar, digging his hands deep into the moist sandstone going up. The cat ran around the pillar and noticed a path in the wall a distance away, "Hey Hijaan! I found a path we could take?!" he said turning around to witness his friend slip and bust his ass from the pillar by only a few feet. Snickering he waved his arms in the air- Hijìn rubbing his head from the tumble looked on and saw Kÿr as well as the cave entry, taking the smart path he got up and proceeded with his friend into the dark cave.

  Walking through the damp cavern path neither of them spoke solemnly scaling up trying to find an exit. Kÿr furrowing his brow would scoff for a second thinking on what that monster had said before, "Blessing..of the all Father..", confused of such a naming he clenched his fist making some metallic particles swirl around his forearm before dissipating. Hijìn who has been wanting to ask this question, would grunt to get the cat's attention, Kÿr turning around with an eyebrow raised looked at the boy saying "Hmn..?". Hijìn would make his arm flat out and would grumble to try and replicate the sound of the thunder before making his other hand make arcs until striking the ground, he glanced up to Kÿr to be met with an analytical but confused face. "You're talking about the skylights right?."  Kÿr asked in curiosity.

  Nodding as the two stopped walking Kÿr would try and explain, "Okay I don't have it fully nailed down.. Pero- I have noticed that when something or someone powerful releases their energy it causes those, I call Rajòz to fall from the heavens onto the ground.. It never happens by itself only when something strong is nea-". The conversation was abruptly stopped by the collapsing of the cave behind them, witnessing this the two hauled ass and began to run their way up blindly towards the light ahead of them. Hijìn thinking to himself about what Kÿr had said as well as that imposter of Aba had too.. 'Was he too weak? Is there a way for him to make such a light show occur? Now's not the time we must be safe..' he said as he jumped on forward catching up until all the remaining smoke blew out all around till they reached the exit.

Making it to the exit, Kÿr exclaimed in a positive light as his worries of dying in a damp cave fell off only to be reminded of their mistake. Hijìn making it holds his satchel and minor belongings close, looked up at the flat plains and witnessed the never-ending rain of lightning bolts strike the desert they once called home. The sand vaporized the instant the lightning struck it- not even forming glass from the sheer heat expelled from each strike. "H-how do we get around this? L-like..cmon you've got to be kidding me one of those hit us were fried" Kÿr said standing at the end of the cave entrance at the bottom of a small hill staring out at the endless abyss of death ahead. As not far in the distance there would be a buildup of spirit energy that rocked both of their senses, the spirits swirling up together would begin picking up speed until they made landfall causing what appeared to be soul-like tornadoes that were brimming with Rajòz striking it. 

The smell of burnt was flooding Hijìn's senses until he picked up on a familiar scent.. It was so keen that he took a step forward to truly get a taste of what it was. Kÿr glanced over to see it grabbing his calf and pulling him back, just in time as another Rajòz landed in front of them making a few feet deep hole. Hijìn however, oh he was pissed, the boy growled loudly clenching his fists only to point over the horizon. He was directing Kÿr to the cause, the reason behind this endless hell storm from the heavens- and with his advanced eyes, Kÿr in pain would climb up onto Hijìn's shoulder and look in the direction.

Off in the distance hundreds of miles away a megastructure was being formed, it was constructed of familiar limestone-like blocks which formed the scaffolding of some type of machine. Kÿr standing on the boy's head at this point would furrow his eyebrows saying with confusion "H...That undead- prick. Is he trying to do it?!". Hijìn brushed off his shoulder slowly, gritting his teeth being confirmed his suspicions. Taking a step forward out in the open and from the skies a lightning bolt would fall to strike them, in the same instant time slowed down for the boy a black thin strand would emerge from behind his eye. He raised his fist so quickly he punched the lightning bolt back up the skies deflecting it.. Hijìn was indeed stronger..

With a mad dash to the megastructure, the two must survive the endless hellfire from above and make it to the finish line to confront an old rival of the boy who defeated him prior. The world seems to be falling and it's only left to them in this barren wasteland to fix the problem they started after the defeat of the strange monster-

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