Blood, Sweat, & Tears..

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Chapter: 6 Arc: 1 

The Creature of sand loomed far off in the distance, almost as if it was encompassing the world with its sheer size, Hijìn had never heard or seen anything of such size it made him freeze in place just as the world around him began to crumble. Kÿr watching the spectacle was still panting, the attack he did had such an impact and demanded so much from his small body if he wasn't careful it would render him unconscious. However, with the earth beneath them crumbling Kÿr tugged on his friend's hand, and almost falling over Hijîn snapped out of the fearful trance, making a grunt of understanding midst shaking his head around, they were both overly exhausted not having a single break in nearly two weeks. Choosing to live the boys found it necessary and began moving towards the spire of light not far off away from them.

Ravines opened up and all that shot forward was incredibly hot magma from the planet's core, whatever this creature truly was apart from its title was something never before seen by any mortal eyes. Jumping over ledges, climbing over the remains of what used-to-be homes buried deep under sediment after ages passed, and the graveyards of bones beneath their feet the boys pushed on. Mid-run Kÿr would go limp for a second, falling down and tumbling to the ground on the brink of passing out, Hijìn stopped and turned around seeing his friend down going quickly to his aid. He muttered sounds like a concerned dog to their master holding his fallen comrade like a swaddled child, 'You've done enough.. Kÿr, I'll finish this.. don't worry I'll make sure we both have a hearty laugh after this is over' Hijìn thought as he held Kÿr over his shoulder continuing his pursuit to the Spire.

Hijìn had to use his satchel like a sling so Kÿr could rest in safety from the burning ash which fell from the sky, Rajòz coming in all directions only worsening the world around them as if the world was truly dying. Other souls could feel this pain inflicted and only gaze towards the sky to witness the ever-so-growing darkness which clouds the sky and pollute the water they drink. Rajòz struck near the Boy, and it made him panic even more for his friend, he always looked down just to check and make sure he was still safe.. 'I'll be the one to stay by your side this ti-' Hijìn thought before a large portion of the ground collapsed in front of him. It was too far to jump and the drop was so deep it seemed like the holes were endless, he turned all around in a frantic search for a solution only to run alongside the ravine cliffside, clasping to his sides he looked down at his friend who's eyes fluttered weakly; They have not had a proper meal in days if not a week by now and supplies were so low that if one got mortally wounded there was nothing either could do.. not again.

Grabbing at literally anything he felt the hot metal of his chained scimitars he created against the horde before, "..Ah!" He exclaimed pulling them out only to burn his hands severely. Hijìn hissed out in pain from such burns, dropping them on the ground and looking at his scarred hands- he grew more frustrated as he heard more of the terrain crumble behind him. It was now or never he had to tolerate this and with a loud yell in anger he grabbed the hot chains and charged to the ravine ahead, the chains sizzled and burned away at his hand's flesh, but he was just too angry to give up now. Shoving one blade into the ravine after falling several dozen feet down he yelled out from the ever-growing pain in his hands, looking down and growing reassured by Kÿr still being safe, but before he could do anything he swiftly shot his second blade up, and when firm he pulled up launching himself up. Getting just high enough Hijìn grabbed the ravine edge making it across with only 3rd-degree burns on his hands, he pulled himself up and laid on the hot ground still holding on tightly to the searing hot chains not letting his grip go. 'He can't stop and rest.. if he does.. he'll lose his adrenaline and they'll both be killed' he thought immediately forcing himself back up and making it to the steps of the spire just in time as the ground fell down beneath him..

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