Mellow Street lights, Slow Passerbys, and a Glance up at the Stars ✨

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Chapter: 21 Arc: 3 

The radio clicks back on, stammering it's frequencies mixed in with so many others trying to find their own voice among the static it plays a mellow tune, passing by its pattern feeling beats through your ears- encircling the chasms till it enters your brain and soothes your anxious heart to a

  Rimi gently passing their metallic hand on the steering wheels cover messing with its individual fibers with their nails they'd glance over to you as they felt the atmosphere they presented with their words saying apologetically, "L..Hmn...Look HI-Jin? Hei..Jin? Look..I didn't mean it like that", Rimi said as they slid their right hand off the steering wheel leaving only their left and brushing some remaining strands of dirty blonde hair back over their ear piece finishing with, "I-I just..everything is so unsure, Ani keeps talking about some weird change but I felt as if nothings changed, he talks about weird things happening outside the rocky barrier that separates us from the outside world, and he keeps trying to convince me spirits are real...u..I..Tch..I just haven't had valid enough proof for nearly anything that he's said..and by the way he's acting when we're alone I think he's spiraling down hard..what'd you think Hmn?" Rimi said glancing over to Xèhtrï who stayed relatively calmed down with the pulsing rhythm of the melody playing in their knoggin that they reacted slowly after realizing they were being asked for a response solemnly saying, " be honest I don't know the machine that well, sure it may be hearing me speak right now and is probably this very car we're seated inside of right now, but past that I see this as nothing else but a new problem slapping me in the face all over over again."

  A sharp turn to startle the mind as you've just been pulled into a parking lot by what seems to be a miniature park hidden behind and encircled by shopping centers, jerked to the side Xèhtrï postures up looking all about confused as to where they've taken to only to realize that Rimi was already outside. The parasite rushing outside let the car auto lock behind them as they made it out following Rimi who seemed to walk ahead quite slowly compared to how everything else was run through here; Scattered to your sides at all angles were miniature businesses who were all cooped up against one another to take up as much space as possible, from convenience stores to general mills, each small sector was packed with small vendors trying their best to catch the eye of these two hulking giants for any spare cash they could squeeze out of. Xèhtrï walking past a meat parlor stepped up to it in curiosity only to realize that they were completely sold out, furrowing their brow Xèhtrï grew slightly agitated at the fact they had no real option for protein as this instance and wanted to see the back behind the counter only to be met face to face with a small orange and purple liquidator with small jelly ears folded back and plump limbs come up at the parasite holding a knife quickly yelling out a strange phrase in their language in defense. Xèhtrï bearing their many rows of sharp fangs clenched their jaws hissing aloud at the liquidator who held their ground while only being but a fraction of his height was all broken up by Rimi shoving Xèhtrï aside and pushing the knife down saying down to the little orange and purple in some strange tones, "Yöu rëally think yöúre all that shit Huh? I can slur my words too- don't make me squish ur little brains out your slimy ass when you treat a customer like this- Better yet...NO! I know you ya lil shite!", Rimi grabbed the little liquidator with their larger hands and shook them up a bit, "You're the fucker who sells Whistèriä her daily meals- WHERE IS SHE! WHERE IS SHEEEE!!!", Rimi said aloud violently shaking the liquidator who squealed out in confusion and fear as the strange cyborg harassed them in front of many people simply passing by. "TELL ME NOW YA LITTLE SHIT OR ELSE IMMA TAKE THIS BUSINESS AND FIND YA MOM YA LITTLE FUCK WHERE IS SHE?!!!!!", Xèhtrï watched on only a few feet away with eyes wide open shocked as to what the heck is going on right in front of him while liquidators of other kinds ran away as best they could with their slimy bodies as the cyborg screamed again, "WHERE IS SHE!!!!!!!."

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