"Its only us..all 3 of us, just I'm the weakest link.."

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Chapter: 12 Arc: 2
My mental psyche lingers between a dream and vivid realities, but ever since he's taught me to still my mind I have this strange sense of selflessness in my very heart, it beats with many rhythms except for two others who want to go against the current..against me. I can feel them yell out to me, their passion and desires shadow my own..only much stronger, as I close my eyes to this world I open my own in my head to try and grasp what has truly been holding me back this whole time. Even with the physical training my chief has been giving me..this is a whole new battle, a Battle Against myself I have yet to be able to imagine..

  As soft somber filled leaves of blue fell from their perches in the trees above, falling down slowly with grace as they were carried by the wind would slowly pass by those of the forest. In the center of the arena sat the human Hijìn and besides him was the Elder of his kind whom could only sit down and watch the spectacle, with eyes closed and painted astrological runes of black on his body, Hijìn's would begin to meditate to himself. Unable to communicate visibly, the Elder would stay close trying to project their presence into the humans psyche as they delve into their own subconscious, the guard stayed near being ready for any immediate violent outbursts like times before when this training had begun- a scratch across the guards chest hidden under their garbs being a burning memory to them of what is hidden beneath that timid demeanor of this so called man.

  Soft winds from afar graced their way past the humans face giving him a sense of comfort as he readied his mind to go into a sense of stasis, hair blowing in the wind slowly Hijìn burrowed his eyebrows for but a moment until his body relaxed, leaving the human in a seated position with both legs intertwined and hands on his very lap. The Elder glanced over at the guard and slightly nod his head, 'He has begun..be on watch for any explosive fits of rage or any attempts for the creature of the Hydra to harm one of us or worse...attempted escape', signed the Elder as its hand was planted against its cheek to finish the sentence with the guard following suit and planting its clenched fist against their chest. Apart from the sounds of the Guard moving over to watch the human the only thing making noise was the battle ensuing in the distance with Kÿr and the other guard, further into the woods it was apparent that the student and trainer had much difference in terms of skill. It was noted that Kÿr had a reckless kind of fighting, one where he threw everything at you burning out all his energy immediately leaving him weak to attack soon after and this high endurance training was meant to mend that weakness, having him dodge countless obstacles coming at him from high speeds while having to shoot targets from a distance without miss. The only setback the feline could ever have is the inability to use lethal force and most important..no eye opening-

  Darts, spikes, and all in between would come whizzing by Kÿr as he tried his best to be as fluid as possible, he clenched his chest trying not to wheeze from lack of nitrogen in his body before taking a deep gasp of air and pointing at four separate targets with all undefinable distances and sizes- all of which he had to figure out in mere milliseconds or else he loses and has to begin all over again. Chain whizzing by and striking the felines side would have caused him to stagger before, but this time he snarled under his very breath and with four easy movements a flick of his wrist would shoot a small projectile out of his finger hitting all four targets making the barrage of attacks end. Kÿr skid on the ground taking a breather after such a test, awkwardly smiling at the Guard who stayed watch from a distance clapping only a few times before throwing a black leather-like pouch of water at the cat so he may drink, recuperate for short while until his tests began again just that he had to stay quiet under training rules. However, the only thing concerning his mind was the safety of his friend in all this..he can't see him until he finishes his day long training. With the ring of a bell after said moments the automated traps would reset and slowly begin to shoot out attacks at the feline who now had to take down twenty-six targets at different ranges and distances while being handicapped- the first test was just the warmup~

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