Chapter 3: The Realm's Delight

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Upon returning from another of her mid-morning adventures throughout the Crownlands, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen landed near the Dragonpit atop her dragon Syrax. Once the Dragonkeepers were able to calmly guide Syrax back into the structure, both Rhaenyra and Alicent were escorted back to the Red Keep. Both the girls were now fifteen years old and maturing into young adolescents. And throughout the years, their friendship was heightened where they each considered the other as sisters they never had.

Hooking their arms with the other, both Rhaenyra and Alicent climbed the stairs into one of the royal apartments in Maegor's Holdfast to pay their respects to the heavily pregnant Queen Aemma Arryn. Before then, each of them had respectively changed into an appropriate light blue embroidered dress and yellow gown. Once they were finished dressing, Rhaenyra and Alicent soon arrived at Aemma's bedchamber.

The Queen groaned as she adjusted herself to make herself more comfortable. Aemma's hair was swept across her left shoulder, her red and golden dress was slightly parted - allowing her very pregnant belly to acquire more comfort. She was being tended to by her handmaidens and fanned herself before noticing both girls arriving at her room. "Ah... Rhaenyra," she greeted. No doubt Aemma was already informed of her only daughter's return to the capital on dragon back by now. "You know I don't like it when you go flying while I'm in this condition," she points to her swollen belly.

"You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition, mother," Rhaenyra countered.

Another handmaiden went behind Aemma to adjust a pillow for her aching back.

"Your Grace," Alicent curtsied.

Aemma turned to Alicent. She could not help but feel a warm glow when she glanced at the young girl who might soon become her future daughter-in-law. Why just last year, Aemma had coincidentally stumbled upon Aeonar and Alicent alone in the godswood kissing. When they noticed her presence and knew they were caught in the act, they had become very embarrassed and panicked - each of them making hasty excuses to the Queen. Aemma did not buy it, of course, but instead of scolding them, she congratulated them on their blossoming romantic relationship. She had given them her blessing and promised to keep her son's romance with the Hand's daughter a secret and bestowed Aeonar her wedding ring - with the intent of proposing to her when the time was right.

"Good morning, Alicent," Aemma acknowledged.

"Did you finally get some sleep?" Rhaenyra inquired.

"I did."

"For how long?"

"I don't need more mothering, Rhaenyra," Aemma shook her head. "Gods be good, your brother does that plenty enough for me already."

"Well, here you are, surrounded by attendants, all focused on the baby," Rhaenyra pointed out. "Aeonar and I are just as concerned about you in this state, mother. Someone must tend to you in your time of need - why not your children instead of them? We're more than willing to care for you."

You are more like your brother, sweetling. Worried about myself after the suffering I had to endure each time a pregnancy failed. But there is only so much each of you can do. No, my daughter, I am afraid this is my burden to bear - not yours. I am meant to nurture both of you, not the other way around. "You," the queen tapped her bare foot on her daughter's knee, "will lie in this bed soon enough, Rhaenyra. This discomfort is how we serve the realm."

Rhaenyra shook her head. No, mother. That is not me. That is not who I am. "I'd rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory," she replied cheekily. It was made no secret that Rhaenyra had no desire to be a mother or have any children and would rather pursue her path but could not so long as her parents denied her that privilege.

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