Chapter 81: The King of All Dragons

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Grand Maester Orwyle frantically stuffed various documents and materials into his pouch, tossing other items haphazardly into the hearth. The chaos unfolding around him was too much, too soon. He had hoped for more time to prepare and put things in order. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he listened to the sounds of violent rioting emanating from the city below, and even within the castle walls, the stench of blood was unmistakable. Orwyle had no intention of getting caught up in the mayhem.

Suddenly, a voice from behind interrupted. "What are you doing?"

Orwyle's heart nearly skipped a beat when he suddenly saw Alwyn standing before him. Alwyn's eyes flickered to the burning documents in Orwyle's hand as he spoke, "So, it's all true, then; you're part of this group of traitors." Alwyn's tone was neither furious nor surprised, just deeply disappointed.

"I understand that this situation may be overwhelming, Alwyn. The plans of the Peakes could potentially hold a great deal of power."

"Although I may not have all the details, I know right from wrong. This act of treason cannot be justified, and it seems as though you are playing a part in it."

"I had... I had no choice," Orwyle muttered, his eyes darting nervously around the room.

Alwyn shook his head gently. "There is always a choice, my friend," he replied softly. "And you have a choice now: return what you have taken, and I will intercede on your behalf with Aeonar when he returns."

For a moment, Orwyle looked as though he might comply. But then he glanced over Alwyn's shoulder, and his expression changed. "Lord Commander?" he said, sounding surprised.

Alwyn turned around, expecting to see Ser Harrold Westerling. Instead, he was struck from behind with a sudden, sharp blow by a Caltrops supporter. The maester of Dragonstone groaned and crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Orwyle stood frozen for a moment, his eyes wide with shock. Then, without a word, he dropped the candlestick he had been holding and snatched up the crown. He stepped over Alwyn's unconscious form and fled down the tower stairs as fast as his trembling legs could carry him. As Alwyn lay there, helpless and alone, the enormity of what had just happened began to sink in. He had always known that power and ambition could be dangerous things, but he had never expected to fall victim to them himself. It was a harsh lesson but one that he would never forget.

King's Landing ― Street of Sisters...

Although the initial display of strength by Rhaenys and Meleys stopped Beatrice and the Caltrops in their tracks, tensions quickly escalated into a frantic battle for survival. Meleys, with her remarkable speed, soared high above the capital city, evading the relentless pursuit of three ferocious dragons: Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, and Vhagar. While Meleys could defeat each dragon individually, the odds were significantly against her in a three-on-one confrontation. The exhausting struggle highlighted the ferocity between each of the powerful Targaryen dragons.

"*RUUUUUuuuuuuu!*" Vhagar growled fiercely; the Queen of All Dragons and her smaller kin chased after Meleys, snapping their jaws in an attempt to catch her. However, they could not successfully capture their target as the Red Queen was too fast for them.

"Jās, Meles! Aderī! (Move, Meleys! Quickly!)" Rhaenys commanded.

"*RAAAAAAAAA!!*" Meleys screeched, beating her wings in her attempt to shake off her pursuers.

Vhagar, being the largest and most powerful dragon out of the three, was an imposing figure to behold. However, Sunfyre was the swiftest of the trio, although still not quite on par with the sheer might of Meleys. Rhaenys found herself in a precarious situation, desperately seeking a way out lest she meets a gruesome fate at the jaws of these ferocious beasts.

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