Chapter 47: The New Generation

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Ser Harwin knelt before the two boys, watching them, ensuring they behaved properly while waiting for their mother to return. Ten years into his tenure as Commander of the City Watch had not dampened his mood nor affected his philosophy on his stern interpretation of enforcing the king's laws, but whenever the Bonebreaker was around Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys, the sharp edges of his personality had worn away. Having been named Princess Rhaenyra's sworn protector by his father Lord Lyonel and Prince Aeonar's enforcer, Harwin fiercely guarded the royal family as a member of the Blacks... but overall, he enjoyed spending time with the children.

"And he sees, a big scary dragon!" Jacaerys played with his toys.

Lucerys sat next to his brother. "'Run, men! Run before the dragon burns us!'" he played along.

Harwin was amused by the boys' playtime activities. However, he had to be cautious of how close he was and how emotionally invested he was in Jace and Luke. Rumors were already circulating the Red Keep about the boys' parentage. Lacking the traditional Velaryon or Targaryen features, whispers had already implied Ser Harwin was their biological father; so, he begrudgingly kept his distance from them to avoid suspicion and potential execution. Once he heard the doors to Rhaenyra's private chambers open, Harwin stood in acknowledgment of Rhaenyra and Laenor.

Having been given proper time to recover from the birth, Rhaenyra was well-rested and adjusted.

"Mother," Jacaerys got to his feet. "Look," he showed his mother a brazier. Lifting the lid, it was revealed to carry a dragon egg with brown coloring and gold scales, with the burning hot coals of the brazier to keep the temperature stable.

"We chose an egg for the baby," Lucerys told her.

"Ahh, that looks like the perfect one," Rhaenyra observed.

"I let Luke choose."

"Thank you, Jace."

Harwin approached. "Not every day an egg leaves the Dragonpit, princess. I thought it best to escort the lads," he informed them.

"Laenor and I thank you, Commander," Rhaenyra replied.

"Another boy, I heard," Harwin noticed the sleeping newborn Joffrey. Rhaenyra nodded in confirmation.

Laenor gently bounced the baby in his arms. "What a fine knight you are going to make, eh?" he said softly to not wake him up.

"Might I?"

Rhaenyra looked up at him. She knew what Harwin wanted. "Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey," she told her husband.

"Oh, of course," Laenor complied. He had no problem with allowing Harwin to hold the newborn at all. As members of the Blacks, they were cordial and trusted each other. Both were aware of the growing political tension between the queen and the king's heir. Plus, the more time spent in proximity, both the heir to Driftmark and the Bonebreaker grew to form a camaraderie.

"Joffrey, is it?"


Laenor passed Joffrey to Harwin, watching as the Bonebreaker again softened. Harwin held the baby in his arms, gently bouncing him – never taking his eyes off him. Like with Jace and Luke, the Bonebreaker knew Joffrey was his son as well. Bastard or not, he was still their father and a fierce, loyal protector of those he cared about. Legally, Harwin had no responsibility for any of the three boys – but morally, he couldn't simply abandon them, even if they remained blissfully unaware of their true parentage.

"Father, please may I hold Joffrey?" Lucerys requested.

"No, no. No," Laenor refused, moving to separate the two boys, and pushing them out the door.

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