Chapter 108: Battle of the Gullet (Part 5)

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The Narrow Sea...

From a high vantage point, Aeonar continued to survey the unfolding scene below; a sense of satisfaction washed over him. Every piece of his plan was falling into place. The Velaryon fleet encircled the Triarchy remnants' armada, trapping them like helpless prey in a spider's web. Their desperate attempts to break free only served to tighten the noose around their necks with no hope of escape. Once the Triarchy's fleet was wiped out, the alliance between Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh would crumble. In a meticulously cold, calculated strategy, the Young Dragon saw this as only the first step in his grand plan - Project Shadowhand. The ultimate objective of this diabolical scheme was nothing less than the total annihilation of the Triarchy. Plan Zero had already dealt a significant blow to their power. But now, with Project Shadowhand, Aeonar intended to deliver the final, crushing blow. As soon as the Triarchy's fleet was decimated, his connections in Pentos and Volantis would swiftly seize the opportunity to claim territories in the Disputed Lands for themselves. Meanwhile, his agent - the Black Swann - would begin the second phase of the operation.

However, Aeonar's ambitions extended beyond this. He would crush his enemies and reshape power distribution across an entire continent. Aeonar envisioned a new era in which he would reign supreme from the shadows, exerting his influence far and wide. He would establish a new empire - his empire, a new Valyrian Freehold.

Time to remind these malcontents of Vaelor's power, the might... of the Black Dread's blood. "Dracarys. lēda kostion. (Full power.)"

Vaelor's mouth curled upwards, his fangs as long as swords, and he opened his jaws wide to take a deep breath. His throat glowed with intense heat as the fire built up in his belly. Arching his head backward, the Swiftrunner abruptly lunged forward and let loose with an unyielding conflagration. His neck extended to allow the surging flames to obliterate anything in its path, creating a deafening roar and engulfing the air in a scorching inferno with otherworldly energy, crackling and flickering with intense heat. But as the initial dark orangish hue continued ravaging the Narrow Sea, a transition occurred as if the very essence of the dragonflame was evolving before their eyes. The outer layer of the pulsating inferno gradually morphed into a sinister black coating, giving them an ominous appearance as if the very essence of darkness had been unleashed upon the world. Within this obsidian flame, subtle hints of dark red swirled and danced like veins of molten lava coursing through the heart of a volcano, adding an eerie and malevolent aura to the dragon's destructive power. He could see the fear in these humans' eyes, which only fueled his desire to destroy them. His wings beat furiously, sending gusts of wind that added to the chaos of the battle.

As the dragon continued to rain destruction upon the Triarchy armada, the Velaryon sailors knew they had to act fast. They quickly maneuvered their own ships away from the path of the dragonflame, trying to avoid being caught in the crossfire and knowing they, too, could be next. Some of the more daring sailors even attempted to launch their own attacks, hoping to take advantage of the chaos caused by Vaelor's onslaught.

"What are you fools doing?! Get out of there!" Addam warned.

The explosions that followed were nothing short of spectacular, lighting up the sky with a fiery display that mesmerized all who witnessed it. The few ships caught in the blast had exploded into countless fragments, sending debris flying in all directions. The sound of the explosions echoed across the sea, a deafening roar that could be heard for miles. The immense power of the flames sent shockwaves rippling through the air, reverberating with a force that seemed to shake the Narrow Sea. These shockwaves, like invisible tendrils, reached out and touched both the Triarchy and Velaryon fleets, causing chaotic disturbances that sent waves of panic and confusion through the ranks of sailors and corsairs alike. The ships were tossed about like toys in a storm, their crews struggling to maintain their balance and keep their vessels afloat. The sea boiled and churned as if angry at the destruction wrought upon it. The explosions and shockwaves shattered their formations, scattering their ships and disrupting their carefully laid plans. The ensuing chaos starkly contrasted with the disciplined and coordinated maneuvers they had executed just moments before.

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