Chapter 11: The Prince and the Maiden

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Dragonstone ― Aegon's Garden

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Dragonstone ― Aegon's Garden...

Aeonar traversed the arch of the Dragon's Tail until he reached Aegon's Garden. The garden itself had a pleasant piney scent, had tall dark trees, wild roses, towering thorny hedges, and cranberries. He had received reports from his staff that Rhaenyra and Alicent were located somewhere within the gardens, and Aeonar knew he had to make amends with Alicent for leaving her the way he did. The prince felt a lump in his throat – nothing he could say or do would ever justify his actions, but he could not bear the thought of losing the love of his life. He had to make things right... if she was at least willing to him out before making an official decision. But when he got to the garden, he could see Rhaenyra and Alicent chatting. Aeonar was certain to leave obscure, yet deciphered codes to his agents to ensure his messages would not be intercepted. His sister he was not concerned with, but Alicent... Aeonar knew that she would be quite upset with him for having disappeared for six months. He was hoping some of the messages he sent to Rhaenyra would be sent back – letting him be aware of her activities and knowing that Aeonar was always watching her from a distance.

But still, he prepared himself to take the backlash.

There she is. Still so beautiful these past six months. But... I did not expect this to be easier. It is harder than I thought. "Alicent," Aeonar called out.

Both Rhaenyra and Alicent turned to see Aeonar standing before them in the gardens.

When Alicent saw Aeonar, it was like seeing a ghost. Her eyes widened and her face paled slightly. But when Rhaenyra saw him, her face immediately brightened, and she rushed from her position under the largest tree and embraced her brother in a hug. Though as she hugged him, she whispered into his ear. "I have prepared her as much as I can, you need to do the rest. So do not fuck it up," she said as she kissed his cheek.

Aeonar nodded at Rhaenyra and stood before Alicent. It had been six months so no doubt she had a lot of pent-up stress and anxiety. "I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I don't expect to receive your forgiveness outright, but I would do whatever it takes to regain your trust." Expecting a backlash, Aeonar turned his head sideways – anticipating a slap and harsh words.

Alicent approached him. Unsettled, uneasy... relief, yes, but seeing Aeonar in front of her now? A lot of repressed emotions were suddenly brought to the surface. He disappeared after Queen Aemma's funeral and no one in the realm knew where he went. Alicent felt her hands and arms trembling, she bit her lower lip.

But then...

A light, yet audible smack! Aeonar was briefly surprised when Alicent slapped him on the other cheek instead of the one he offered, leaving behind a faint handprint. Before he could say or do anything else, Aeonar felt multiple thumping against his torso. He could see Alicent smacking him repeatedly.

"Bastard!" Alicent shouted, tears flowing down her cheeks as she continued pummeling Aeonar. "I was worried sick about you, y-you idiot! I hate you; I hate you; I hate you; I hate you!" she continued screaming at him. "How could you just leave me like that?! Why?! How could you do this?!"

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