Chapter 56: Funeral at Driftmark

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Driftmark ― High Tide...

The funeral for Laena Velaryon was a somber event. Aside from a few sniffles from her daughters, Baela and Rhaena, everyone else lowered their heads in a respectful silence... well, at least most did. As per the customs of House Velaryon, unlike the Targaryens, they perform sacred rites for a sea burial at their ancestral seat of Driftmark before joining their ancestors who remain buried beneath the ocean's waves. The top of her sarcophagus was carved to match the exact detailed depiction of Laena herself – face and body all. While a few soldiers raised House Velaryon's banner, others slid strands of strong rope through the loops of Laena's sarcophagus in preparation for the sea burial.

Ser Vaemond, Laena's uncle and Lord Corlys's brother was tasked with delivering the eulogy in honor of his late niece. "Tubī Velario Lentro Ābrāzme Laene iēdrarta mōrqittot, māzīlarē tubirri Elēdrion ziry umīsilza luo dāriot, hannagon Embrurliot gierūlti. (We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King, where He will guard her for all days to come.)" he recited in High Valyrian.

Among the mourners in attendance, King Viserys I Targaryen and his entire royal court rode to Driftmark to attend her funeral, along with the devastated members of her family. Lord Corlys hung his head low over the loss of his daughter. Since Laena's marriage to Daemon Targaryen, the Sea Snake had not seen or heard from her in over ten years, and only now he learns the tragic news of her death. Like any parent, Corlys believed Laena would be the one to see him off to the dominion of the Merling King, not the other way around. But all that was left of Laena was the two granddaughters he was now meeting for the first time. Princess Rhaenys, on the other hand, kept her eyes locked on her only daughter's sarcophagus. Although greatly heartbroken over Laena's death, the Queen Who Never Was couldn't help but bear a burning resentment to her cousin and former son-in-law Daemon who took her child away from her for ten years and gave her back as a pile of ashes. Her granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena, stayed close to Rhaenys as they grieved during the funeral service.

You took her from the only home she's ever known, Rhaenys thought bitterly, her throat tightened. You took our only daughter away from us, Daemon. From Corlys, from Laenor... from me. We will never see Laena again. But I won't let you deprive us of our granddaughters like you did their mother. Not if I have anything to say about it.

"Solion tolijor zijosy pradarose, Ābrāzma Laena rāeniot hen eglio ilvot lanto taloti hembis. Pōja muña hen zȳho solio āmāzīlus daor, yn ānogrosa gierī ozletaksi humbilza. (As she sets to sea for her final voyage, Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood.)"

Laenor stared blankly at Laena's sarcophagus before tearing up. He was beside himself with grief over the death of his beloved sister. Laena was his sister! He was supposed to protect her! But how could he when she was so far away across the Narrow Sea while he was in King's Landing? How could Laenor protect anyone if he couldn't even protect his family? I'm... I'm so sorry, Laena... I-I failed you... I was your brother. I wanted to protect you. It was my responsibility to protect you! You trusted me! A-and I failed you...!

Lord Unwin Peake stood in attendance with his daughter, Queen Beatrice, and his grandchildren - Prince Aegon the Elder, Princess Helaena, and Prince Aemond, after being summoned by the Queen. He was proud, hard, and ambitious, lord of three castles in the Reach. His family's ambition was to accumulate more power and political influence, starting from the wedding of Beatrice to King Viserys. Upon receiving word of Lord Lyonel's death, Unwin expected to be named the new Hand of the King. However, it was not to be. Unwin glanced at the Caltrops' rival faction, the Blacks, staring silently to his right.

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