Chapter 76: The Last Supper

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

With careful hands, the servants helped Viserys remove his heavy robes while Aeonar busied himself with preparing the king's medicine. The Young Dragon stole worried glances at his ailing father as he worked; his heart was heavy with concern. He had bottled his bitterness and resentment for twenty long years. Finally, he uncovered the truth; he only understood the depth of his father's pain after discovering a hidden stash within that chest. Before their evening meal, Aeonar was determined to spend some quality time with his father to mend their relationship and honor the memory of his mother and the Old King. He was responsible for making up for lost time and making the most of their remaining moments together.

"You... you did well today, Aeonar; you showed restraint, poise, and impartiality during the proceedings," Viserys wheezed as a soothing salve was applied to his body. "I... I am proud of you... every... every time I... see you... I think I am looking at my own father," he panted between breaths.

Aeonar paused momentarily while mixing the medicine, though he said nothing.

"I... I know we... we have had our differences and our disagreements. I've... I've done much to make you hate me. But... but you... you have always remained dutiful. I hope that perhaps we might... talk more. Not as king and prince but as... as father and son. And maybe... rebuild something of what I destroyed so long ago―"

"No," Aeonar found his voice as he shook his head. "No, I... I saw the letters-the ones you and mother exchanged. I understand now what you must have gone through as you read them over and over again. Even though they were old, the stains were still fresh, and the pain was very real." He locked eyes with his father, his expression full of understanding. "You missed her just as much as I did, every single day for twenty long years."

The king's suspicion was confirmed - his heir knew the truth.

"When I thought Alicent was going to die giving birth to Daeron, I finally understood how you felt," Aeonar continued, his voice gentle. "You didn't have a choice, father. Deep down, you didn't want to go through with it. But sometimes, the gods can be cruel. I know that now." Aeonar's hand found his father's, and he squeezed it tightly. "Yet I still stubbornly refused to accept the truth laid before me," he said. "I hated you, despised you," Aeonar's eyes diverted briefly, "and yet, with one selfish act... tore our family apart. I let you down. I let you both down," he said softly. "I couldn't keep my promise to great-grandfather, and I couldn't keep my promise to mother. I'll never forgive myself for letting such hatred and resentment fester like this. That is a burden I'll have to bear for the rest of my life." His voice was filled with regret. "But I swear," he looked up to meet his father's gaze again, his eyes were watering, "I'll do everything in my power to make things right by you, father, to make our family whole once again."

The two Targaryens looked at each other.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, father, for all that I have done. If anything, I'm the one who should be asking for your forgiveness, not the other way around."

Viserys felt tears streaming down his face; whether the tears were of joy or sorrow was unclear. Somehow from somewhere, despite his limp, he found the strength and willpower to stand on his own two feet without the use of his cane and pulled his son close with his one good arm. "Oh, my boy... my boy," the king murmured as he held Aeonar tightly, "you... you have done more for this family than I or any king ever could. You don't owe... anyone an apology. I should have been a better father to you and your sister. I let you shoulder burdens that were... that were mine to bear. But you... you are my first son... and I love you more than anything. Let's... be a family again." He pressed a kiss to Aeonar's forehead. "Your mother... she... she would be so... proud of you, the man... the man you've become, just as I am."

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