Chapter 91: The Black Dread Reincarnate

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Red Keep ― Tower of the Hand...

Being an astute strategist, Otto was determined to secure the loyalty of powerful lords, bolster the defenses of King's Landing, forge alliances, and recruit skilled sellswords to his cause. As the civil war raged on, the Hand meticulously scrutinized an array of reports, one of which sent shock waves through the realm. The tragic deaths of Prince Daeron and Jaehaerys Waters only emboldened the already fervent supporters of the Black and Caltrop factions. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when the Caltrops publicly accused Aeonar of orchestrating the assassination of the young prince, citing the bodies of the slain Lykirī Mēre agents as incriminating evidence. This development called for urgent damage control on Otto's part. The tide that had once favored the Blacks could now turn against them, and Aeonar's sanity and judgment could be called into question, causing widespread doubt and mistrust.

A report came in from one of his spies. "My lord Hand," he whispered. "News from the frontlines: Prince Jaehaerys has successfully captured Lord Bracken and has negotiated Stone Hedge's surrender without any loss of life. They've agreed to pledge loyalty to their true king."

As Otto contemplated the situation, he noted that House Bracken was a formidable ally of the Caltrops in the Riverlands. However, his grandson was able to secure their ancestral seat and get them to switch sides without resorting to violence, which impressed Otto. He recognized the significance of this achievement in securing the Riverlands for the Blacks. Given the current state of affairs with his son-in-law's deteriorating mental state, Otto believed that his grandson's level-headedness made him better suited to making important decisions than the increasingly unstable Aeonar. "Hmm. Prince Jaehaerys is faring better than expected," he speculated.

"There's more. I just received word that House Reyne and House Tarbeck have been vital at the Battle of the Red Fork. Ser Adrian Tarbeck personally slew Jason Lannister, but he died of his wounds shortly after. With Aegon's and Viserys's dragons, Corxes and Maelyx, the Lannister host was decimated and forced to retreat."


"Shall we set an example out of the rest?"

"No. The current political climate has already caused considerable unrest. Further imposing stricter measures would only serve to validate the Caltrops' claims. Instead, we must show them that we are not what they say we are and disprove their accusations. My grandsons will see to that." Not His Grace.

"And what of the queen?"

After a moment of reflection, Otto halted his thoughts. He couldn't help but reminisce about the time when Alicent had fallen into a state of deep despair after Daeron's passing. She had refused to eat and see anyone, causing concern among the servants. The only sounds that could be heard were the quiet sobs and prayers from her chambers. Eventually, the queen consort emerged from her quarters to finally eat and have visitors. Otto couldn't help but think of his late wife and the pain that came with his daughter losing her youngest child. However, he firmly believed that Alicent was stronger than most young women. After all, House Hightower had a direct connection to the Iron Throne. Otto knew that he had to take charge of the situation and navigate their way through this crisis, just as he had done for the Old King and Viserys. "She will heal in time," he added. "But until then, keep this quiet. No one is to utter a word."

"Yes, my Lord Hand."

"Ser Otto," Farrier approached. "Word from our spies. Lord Unwin Peake has been dismissed as the Caltrops' Hand."


"He's been replaced by Ser Criston Cole. He's taken to the field with almost 4,000 troops."

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