Chapter 52: Assassination attempt

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Dawn. The city of King's Landing soon awoke to the bright sunrise breaking through the morning skies. But inside the Red Keep, lying in a blissful sleep, Alicent and Aeonar had rested deeply through the night. Having had sex more than a couple of times, their 'romantic escapades' took a lot of stamina and effectively drained them. Alicent was the first to stir from her slumber when the sun's rays shone through the window.

"Mmm... Aeonar..."

"Mmm...?" Aeonar mumbled in her neck.

Alicent sighed. "Haaah! Not that I'm... complaining..." she yawned, "but we haven't made love more than five times in one night since the... the Maiden's Ball."

"Mmm. Yeah. Yes, we did... when I planted Aemma inside you back then."

Alicent pecked Aeonar's shoulder and the nape of his neck with gentle kisses. Then she looked down to where their bodies had remained joined. She still felt his cock inside her, softened though it may be. Their bodies were hot and drenched with sweat, their loins were sticky, and the room carried the faint smell of sex – permeating through the air. She shuddered when Alicent felt Aeonar slowly withdraw his manhood from her opening. "We should... get ourselves cleaned up and... get dressed. I'll have Talya draw us a hot bath," she yawned once more. "The children will be up soon."

"Indeed. Speaking of which, I've got to get ready for another council meeting this evening. I'll catch up with you afterward," Aeonar covers himself with a black robe. He heard a knock at the door. "Ah. Perfect timing..."

"Who...?" Alicent quickly covered herself in an olive-green robe.

The Young Dragon opened the door to reveal Talya, Alicent's lady-in-waiting.

"Good morning, my lady. My prince," Talya acknowledged. "Forgive me for disturbing you so early. The bath is ready for you."

"Good. And we'll need fresh sheets for the bed," Aeonar instructed.

"Of course."

The door closed once more. Aeonar turned to his wife, who by that point, merely shook her head.

"Don't look so pleased with yourself," Alicent rolled her eyes. She moved to stand, but her legs wobbled, making it difficult to momentarily stand. Holding onto the edge of the bed and chairs for support, she made her way toward the mirror to grab fresh garments before entering the bath.

King's Landing ― Near the outskirts of Blackwater Bay...

Escorted by the Kingsguard knights Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk, Aeonar took a leisurely stroll along the beaches of Blackwater Bay with his younger half-brother Aemond completely unconcerned. Having solidified his power base in the capital, the Young Dragon turned his gaze toward domestic matters while the Blacks built their military strength within King's Landing and Dragonstone. Against him stood the Caltrops who remained loyal to Queen Beatrice. The antagonism between the two factions was almost palpable and worsened by the day.

"When am I going to get a dragon?" Aemond complained.

"Patience, Aemond. Patience," Aeonar advised. "I've just been informed that Syrax laid a fresh clutch of eggs this morning. Once the Dragonkeepers place them in the warming chamber, you are free to choose whichever you prefer."

"And what if it doesn't hatch?"

"The Dragonmont houses plenty of untamed dragons beside the Dragonpit, all of them rather young – Tessarion, in particular. There are other options in case an egg doesn't hatch. You just need to know where to look, provided of course you steer clear of the Rhúqo region."

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