Chapter 95: Uncovering the Truth

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Harrenhal ― Main courtyard...

Prince Daemon expertly led the Blacks in conquering Harrenhal, the largest castle in Westeros. He then took charge of his men and oversaw the surrendered House Strong garrison as prisoners of war. This major victory gave the Blacks control over the run-down fortress and access to the considerable riches of House Strong, as well as valuable hostages such as Larys Strong's great-uncle, Ser Simon, who was the castellan of Harrenhal, along with several of Simon's grandsons. "Chain them all. Leave no stone unturned. And question them very thoroughly. One of them knows something about the Caltrops, and I intend to know their secrets. I don't care if they claim innocence; torture them enough, and they'll confess," he told his men.

"Yes, my prince," one of the Blacks obeyed.

As the number of river lords who pledged allegiance to Aeonar continued to rise, the castle grounds transformed into a bustling encampment that housed increasing soldiers and provisions. The outer courtyard was adorned with the emblems of the noble houses in the Riverlands, including the Darrys, Blackwoods, Mallisters, Freys, and Brackens, the latter of whom conceded to Prince Jaehaerys after the surrender of Stone Hedge. The castle's smallfolk also became captives under Daemon's watchful eye. The ever-determined Daemon was convinced that one of these individuals held valuable information and was resolute in uncovering it.

"Dragons incoming!"

Daemon contemplated the vast expanse of blue sky above him with a gentle tilt of his head. At that moment, his gaze was drawn to the graceful figures of Vermithor and Vermax as they soared through the air with effortless ease. Noticing how the smaller of the two dragons, Vermax, darted and weaved through the air with a nimbleness that Vermithor could no longer match, Daemon marveled at the contrast between the two. As the dragons descended into the courtyard, the Blacks shifted to make room for their landing. Daemon's keen eye immediately recognized the two dragonriders as they settled near Caraxes, their mighty wings folding neatly against their bodies. "Ah, Jacaerys. Jaehaerys. You're just in time."

"In time for what?" Jace addressed his stepfather.

"We've got some suspects in custody for questioning. One of them clearly has a stronger connection to House Strong's secrets and House Peake's affairs. They're proving to be quite difficult to crack, though - either they're holding back valuable information or have no idea what they're talking about. But we'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. They won't be able to keep their lips sealed for long."

Jaehaerys glanced at the House Strong garrison and the smallfolk. He noticed some of these people were frightened and carried bruises along their bodies, evidenced by physical abuse and extensive torture. The sight disgusted him. His grandfather would never have allowed this to happen. "And this is how you wish to extract it?" he spoke.

"You disapprove," Daemon couldn't help but pick up on the disapproving tone of his son-in-law's voice. The young Targaryen prince was questioning him about his methods and ethical approach.

"It is unacceptable to inflict bodily harm to a prisoner who cannot defend themselves, especially if they are commoners who have not committed any wrongdoing towards you."

"You find fault with my decision? This is simply a massage compared to what the Clubfoot's men put their victims through. If we're pursuing a target, it shouldn't matter how I do it as long as we can get the job done. You're nineteen, Jay, practically a young man. You don't have to agree with my methods, and that's fine, but as long as you don't interfere."

"Yet engaging in such actions degrades you just as much as him, father-in-law. While efficiency is crucial in completing tasks, we must prioritize safety and fairness by avoiding harm to innocent people. To accomplish our goals, we should strive to get the job right, not fast; that means no shortcuts or compromising methods such as torture and abuse. There's a difference between being harsh and cruel."

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