Chapter 33: Summer Festival of 116 AC

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Red Keep ― Royal Apartments...

Rhaenyra returns to her chambers for the night, though she found herself having a tough time trying to forget the horrifying memories of her encounter with the Cannibal on Dragonstone. Although she was given Essence of Nightshade to help her sleep, the princess found herself unable to. And then there was her brother blowing up at her and kicking her out, sending her back to the capital to endure Beatrice again. But with the Summer Festival set to begin tomorrow morning, word soon reached Rhaenyra that Aeonar and Alicent had arrived with their three children – Jaehaerys and the twins Aegon and Viserys. Although she wanted to see them, Rhaenyra could not bring herself to face her older brother. She somehow must have assumed that he was still disappointed with her, though perhaps Alicent would be more sympathetic toward her plight. Whatever the case, they'll get the chance soon come sunrise.

Criston, meanwhile, stood guard at Rhaenyra's bedroom door. A dutiful Kingsguard, the young knight remained ever vigilant. When he saw the princess go past him, he gave a polite nod in acknowledgment.

"Good night, Ser Criston," Rhaenyra said.

"Sleep well, princess," Criston reciprocated.

Closing the door behind her, Rhaenyra exhaled and removed her earrings, placing them on the table until she noticed a sack hanging on the chair. Suspecting someone intentionally left it for her, curiosity overtook the princess. Gripping the sack, Rhaenyra dumped the inner contents on the table to find common page-boy clothes, and a note was written in High Valyrian glyphs along with a map of her room. The letter read:

Kesommi aōle mīsās.
(Put these on.)
Rhakiāzmo inkot dōros indīs.
(Push the wall behind the tapestry.)
Geltilio rȳjās. Ninkiot avy rhaeninna.
(Follow the passage. I'll meet you outside.)

Now ordinarily Rhaenyra would assume it was another one of her brother's encrypted spy-like messages, but she realized this wasn't Aeonar's handwriting. No, it belonged to her uncle, Daemon. Following the letter's deciphered message, Rhaenyra walked over to the corner of her room and pushed on one of the painted panels next to her bed which revealed a hidden passageway to a secret staircase. "Whoa!" she stumbled forward, catching herself on the pillars. The princess hesitated for a moment, considering the last time the thrill of adventure got the better of her but checked to see if the coast was clear. Seeing no one, Rhaenyra got undressed and changed into the common clothing left for her before sneaking out of the castle.

Leading down a spiral staircase, Rhaenyra noticed some of the castle walls had different layers of colored windows, others were concrete. She could see some of the guest rooms in the royal apartments – who resided where and what they were doing. The princess felt like a spy herself; she could use this one day to peak on someone she suspects of wrongdoing... or to amuse herself. In one room, Rhaenyra could see maids tending to her nephew Jaehaerys while others were tucking in what she assumed were her new nephews, Aegon and Viserys. So... that is them? They are so tiny. Moving past, she saw Aeonar and Alicent in the next room. Rhaenyra couldn't make out what they were saying, but she could see them. Hoping they didn't see her, the princess narrowed her eyes and leaned in for a closer look.

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