Chapter 27: Targaryen and Cole

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Dragonstone ― Stone Drum...

Alicent had been in the bath for quite some time since being brought back to Dragonstone from Storm's End. What had begun as a tour throughout the realm ended in humiliation, the words of Borros Baratheon had stung her. No matter how hard the Lord of Storm's End demanded his heir cease and retract his comments, it didn't stop him from doubling down until Aeonar interfered and put him in his place. She brushed a wet sponge across her left arm, gently caressing it instead of picking at her fingernails again. Alicent looked down at her swollen belly protruding from the bathwater. Just another four months and this second pregnancy will be over. Closing her eyes, she momentarily basks in the relief this bath is providing her.

"You spend more time in baths than usual even during the progress."

Alicent reopened her eyes to see Aeonar approaching. Once he sat beside her, he took one of her hands in his. "It's the only place I can find relative comfort these days," she sighed. "Not that you'd understand if you were born a woman, but pregnancy can take a lot out of you with each passing month."

Aeonar brushed his fingers across the water. "Huh. It's tepid," he noticed. "Have the servants made sure your accommodations are met?"

"Yes, my love. And do not fret about the water. It is as hot as Maester Alwyn will allow. He says we can't risk it getting too hot for the baby."

"You'd think he would understand that dragons prefer heat."

"Hm. When I was first pregnant with Jaehaerys, I thought I would end up hatching an actual dragon. Silly, isn't it?" Alicent exhaled slowly. "Taniya once said that the second pregnancy is easier than the first. Our bodies are already familiar with it and better prepared, but at the same time, the symptoms are much harsher than they initially were before. It's more exhausting and I find myself feeling more nauseous lately."

"An unfortunate side effect, I'm sure. But we're in this together." Aeonar moved behind her and placed both palms on Alicent's bare shoulders. "For good, this time." He gently pressed his fingers against the trapezius muscles and slowly moved them in a circular motion. "So... have you guessed the sex of the child? A boy, or a girl?"

"Mmm. You men are so impatient. I don't know, Aeonar."

"Maybe one of each?"

"Pffft! Hahaha. Do not get greedy now. Mmm! Can you perhaps... go a little bit lower?" Alicent groaned at the tightened muscles in her neck, shoulders, and upper back being released from all the tension. Once she felt pressure applied to her erector spinae, Alicent slightly arched. "Mmm! That's the spot..." Trigger points within the erector spinae muscles are often numerous, like a string full of knots. Whatever technique Aeonar was using in targeting these trigger points, Alicent felt a satisfying sensation. "Mmm. You're surprisingly good with your hands. Thank you, Aeonar. I―Mmm!―needed that."

Aeonar paid close attention to detail, moving his fingers from behind Alicent's shoulder blades to her lower back and near her hips, never minding his arms were getting wet. His Lykirī Mēre training was more beneficial in many ways. He made certain Alicent was feeling as comfortable as possible throughout her pregnancy. But his mind was elsewhere. That fool Borros made quite the scene at Storm's End, insulting Rhaenyra and Alicent the way he did in his drunken state. The next time that insignificant fool puts another toe out of line, I will cut out his tongue myself. And yet, he may one day pose a problem.



"You're being quiet. Is there something on your mind?"

"Nothing to that extent. I have already had some of my Dragonkeepers scour the island for suitable dragon eggs for our next child. No easy task, but they're confident they can find a fresh clutch."

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