Chapter 35: Sowing the Seeds of Mistrust

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

With most of the festivities already winding down, Alicent brought her sons with her back to the Red Keep for a moment's rest. Overall, she had a wonderful time with her family on the Street of Silk. While she put Jaehaerys, Aegon, and Viserys down for a nap, Aeonar went to his old room whereas Alicent walked to the Tower of the Hand to see her father, but upon entering the room she found that Ser Otto was not there. This was odd because as the Hand of the King, Alicent was certain her father would be in his chambers once the small council meetings ended. For him to not be here was concerning.

"The Hand is not here, Lady Alicent."

Alicent immediately turned around to see Beatrice standing before her. The queen consort wore a silk dress donning the colors of House Peake, orange with black embroidery. Beatrice put on an aura of grace befitting a queen. Upon recomposing herself, Alicent gave a polite courtesy. "Oh, um, good morning, Your Grace," she spoke softly. "I apologize for intruding. Is there something I can get for you? Some tea?"

How innocent. But for how long? Beatrice shook her head. "That's very kind of you, but that won't be necessary. I only stopped by because you, as the Hand's daughter, would help to confirm a rumor that I've been hearing throughout the castle recently."

"A... rumor? What kind?"

"I hate to be the bearer of such vile whispers of lesser men seeking to elevate themselves above their station, but this one I'm afraid hits closer to home."

"What do you mean? Is something wrong, Your Grace?"

"Oh, the king is beside himself with distress. Having so much on his mind, yet not certain as to who he could trust." Beatrice played the role of a reassuring queen, brushing her hand across Alicent's cheek nurturing as a mother would a child. "I'm afraid these rumors your father told Viserys this morning are centered around your faithful childhood companion, the princess, Lady Alicent. My dear stepdaughter."

"Rhaenyra? I-Is she all right? What did my father tell the king?"

Just a little bit more. "I'm afraid I do not know. You know her better than I do, so I'm certain you could talk to her for me. I know Rhaenyra is like a sister to you. I am certain it's nothing. If it were just idle gossip, then the crown needn't have worry, but my lord husband is unable to cope with the news well enough," Beatrice leaned close. Give her a little nudge. "Rumor has it that your father told the king that Princess Rhaenyra was seen wandering outside the Red Keep last night with her uncle, Prince Daemon, disguised as a page. How managed to sneak out of the heavily guarded castle, I do not know. However, the two were last seen in the Street of Silk before your father's men found her entering a pleasure house... coupling."

"Wha... What?" Alicent gasped. "No. No... th-that is just not true. Not Rhaenyra. She... she would never―"

"Again, this is all mere speculation originating from the outside. Which is why I'm, as your queen, asking you to talk to her. See if she's been where she says she was. I'm sure it is false rumors intending to besmirch the princess's reputation, but with so many witnesses coming forward, it's difficult to ascertain truth from fiction. It'll help put the king's mind at ease."

Alicent, having difficulty comprehending what she had heard, momentarily stood motionless, unable to speak. Before long, however, she soon began to walk away from the Hand's room. Beatrice, on the other hand, smirked at her stepson's wife's reaction. Even if Otto's earlier reports turned out to be baseless, the controversy surrounding Rhaenyra would be politically damaging. But there was still the matter regarding Aeonar, her stepson and the king's heir. If he were to get involved, no doubt eyes would turn to her once again.

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