Chapter 79: Coup d'état (Part 2)

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Red Keep ― Black Cells...

Otto remained trapped within the confines of the foreboding black cells, where those who refused to bend the knee and swear allegiance to the Caltrops were thrown without mercy. The Red Keep's dungeons were a place of darkness and despair, where the glimmer of hope was a rare commodity. The former Hand knew that time was running out, but he and his fellow prisoners were not without information. Word had seeped into the dank confines of the prison that something was brewing outside the castle walls and that time was of the essence.

Suddenly, a faint yet distinct commotion could be heard from the upper levels of the fortress, drawing the attention of one of the jailors. Minutes passed, and the noise grew louder, followed by the sounds of shouts and blows being delivered. The tension in the air was palpable, and the jailors and prisoners alike could feel something significant was happening. Before long, three jailors came tumbling down the steps and fell heavily to the ground, unconscious. The sudden events stunned everyone in the dungeon, wondering what would happen next.

"Guard? Guard!" Talya shouted.

"Who's there?" another servant asked.

"Please! Someone! Please, let us out!"

Otto was suddenly alerted by the sound of hasty footsteps descending the stairs. As he turned to investigate the source, he was taken aback to see that it was none other than his own grandson, Jaehaerys. Otto was perplexed as to how Jaehaerys had managed to find his way through the Red Keep and into the black cells. However, it was evident from the determined look in his eyes that Jaehaerys had made it his mission to rescue them first, despite the potential risks and costs involved.

"It-It's Prince Jaehaerys," one of the lords muttered.

"Please, let us out!" a noblewoman pleaded.

Jaehaerys approached the bars. "Shhh! Refrain from making any loud noises," he shushed before examining the cells. The undergaoler who held the keys was nowhere to be found, so the prince had to think quickly. He pulled out a small, handmade kit containing a nail file and some wire from his pocket. "Please step back. I'll have this taken care of in just a moment," he knelt. Jaehaerys skillfully inserted the pins into the lock, expertly maneuvering his tools to unlock the door without the use of a key.

"Oh, good boy," Talya praised.

Otto observed his grandson; he couldn't help but admire his determination to pick the lock without a key. Jaehaerys was just as tenacious as Aeonar was at his age. The task proved to be quite challenging, but the young lad seemed to be progressing. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps grew louder. "Get out of here if you value your life," he warned.

"Hush, grandfather. Your fate will be the same as mine," Jaehaerys felt a sense of unease creeping up on him as he stubbornly refused to abandon his task. His brow furrowed, and he couldn't help but notice the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead. His fingers were sore and tired, but he persisted, determined to pick the lock. His heart raced as he heard the faint sound of the mechanisms inside the lock beginning to give way. With each passing second, his anxiety grew, but he remained focused on the task at hand. Finally, he felt the satisfying snap of the lock, and he let out a deep breath of relief. "I got it!" he exclaimed.

Jaehaerys acted boldly, swiftly throwing open the cell doors and freeing the prisoners who had been unjustly held captive. In doing so, he also released the loyal supporters of the Blacks, showing his unwavering commitment to fairness and justice.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Bless you, Prince Jaehaerys! We'll never forget this!"

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