Chapter 83: Jaehaerys, Baela, and the White Worm

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

"War is coming, Baela," Rhaenys stated. "We must collect Rhaena and leave King's Landing at once."

"And go where?" Baela challenged.

"The safety of High Tide―"

"High Tide won't be safe. The Caltrops will assume we'll declare for Aeonar. Besides, they have far fewer dragons than we do; plus, King's Landing is a well-supplied fortress with high walls and is heavily defended on all sides by land, sea, or air. If war is coming, it's coming for all of us! We cannot hide from it."

"I've suffered too much loss, Baela. I cannot endure another."

Baela stood tall, her head shaking with conviction. "I am a dragonrider," she declared firmly, unwilling to budge from her position. "Like my mother and father and you," she approached. "If the Caltrops wish to challenge our king for the throne, then they must be answered with fire and blood!"

Rhaenys suddenly paused in the midst of her conversation with her granddaughter as she gazed upon the young woman before her; a sense of familiarity washed over her. It was as if she was looking at a younger version of her late daughter, Laena. The fire in her eyes, the unwavering passion, and the free spirit radiating from her all mirrored the qualities Rhaenys had dearly loved in her daughter. For a moment, the Queen Who Never Was felt like she was conversing with Laena again. The overwhelming sense of comfort that came with this realization caused her expression to soften. She allowed herself to bask in the moment's warmth, cherishing her beloved daughter's short but precious memory. Oh, Laena...

"Do you think I jest?" Baela asked, uncertain why her grandmother was staring at her in that manner.

Rhaenys smiled, shaking her head. "No," she replied. "I just saw my daughter for the first time in years..."

When Baela heard her grandmother compare her to her mother, Laena, her body immediately became tense. However, after a moment, her expression softened, suggesting that she took the comment as a compliment. It wasn't easy to imagine that Rhaenys would make such a remark without intending it to be positive. Baela's reaction indicated that she held her mother in high regard and was pleased to be compared to her.

"I often have a hard time accepting that you're a woman-grown, Baela. Sixteen, and already with so much potential. Forgive an old woman, but I see so much of her in you. She was... exactly how you were when she was your age." It was clear to Rhaenys that Baela had no intention of departing from the comforts of King's Landing. She was resolute in her decision to remain by the side of her betrothed, Jaehaerys, and fight alongside him on her dragon, Moondancer, as they had done in the past to liberate the capital from the Caltrops. Moreover, Baela remained steadfast in her resolve to marry Jaehaerys to strengthen their family and keep their Valyrian bloodline pure. "Well, I must admit, if you're sure about this decision, I'll have to stay on top to ensure you're happily married before my time is done."


"I know, Baela. I know. Just... allow me this precious moment."

Rhaenys and Baela, the grandmother and grandchild duo, enjoyed a peaceful and serene morning together. It had been some time since Rhaena and Baela had visited Driftmark after their mother's passing. Rhaenys and Rhaena had grown exceptionally close in the years that had passed. The Queen Who Never Was had taken her eldest granddaughter as her ward, arranging regular visits between her and her younger sister. Although Rhaenys had offered Rhaena a room at High Tide, she respected Rhaena's desire to learn to be more self-sufficient. However, Rhaenys did appreciate the bond she shared with her granddaughters, as they were the only pieces of Laena she had left in their life. As Rhaenys was getting ready to depart, she happened upon Prince Jaehaerys by coincidence.

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