Chapter 24: Power Plays and Secret Conspiracies

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Red Keep ― Tower of the Hand...

The journey back to King's Landing from the kingswood was brief, but Aeonar and Alicent were overall relieved that the grand hunt was over. Since returning with a rare white hart and a monstrous wild boar, in addition to his successful military campaign in the Stepstones, word had begun to spread throughout the capital about the crown prince's reputation as a skilled archer and cunning strategist. As a result, his power and influence increased significantly. In a contest pitting the new generation of lords and knights from each corner of the Seven Kingdoms, it was Prince Aeonar Targaryen whose flames burned the brightest. Even so, the royal family was not given time to rest on their laurels.

Aeonar stared out the window, taking in the scenery of the night skies above or the candles lighting the interior houses on the streets below the Red Keep from Aegon's High Hill. The Hook, Eel Alley, Muddy Way, Flea Bottom, the Dragonpit... all seemed so different as the years passed yet somehow remained the same. He glanced over his shoulder to see Alicent reading a bedtime story to Jaehaerys, stopping only to see the little prince yawn and rub his eyes.

"I think it's past someone's bedtime," one of the handmaidens commented. "Come, sweet prince. Let's give our prince's royal consort some peace."

Alicent watched as her handmaidens took her son out of the room. "He's such a sweet boy," she spoke softly.

"That's because he has a good mother who nurtured him well these past two years," Aeonar commented. "Any children you raise will be smart, perceptive, intuitive, and have a good conscious."

"Hmm? I do not think I would be the only good influence on them. Though it is not as easy as it looks, Aeonar. Every day has its moments and I often question if I'm doing the right thing. But I do appreciate your words. We could teach them history, literature, philosophy... Our children will be given the best of everything."

Indeed. Now that I know for certain Alicent wants more children with me. With the royal bloodline propagated, it ensures our dynasty's continuation and overall survival. "I love you, Alicent."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Just then, the doors opened – allowing two Kingsguard knights to stand aside when a visitor approached. Ser Otto, the Hand of the King, had arrived not only from attending his functions but also to check on the young couple. He waited until his daughter's maids left with his grandson and once the doors were closed, it allowed some privacy between the three of them. "Did you enjoy the hunt?" he asked.

Alicent nodded. "Well enough," she answered.

"How fared my grandson?"

"The ladies Lannister and Redwyne were quite taken with him."

"As they should be. He is the future of the realm," Otto stated as he sat down. "Well, you witnessed the scale of the celebration, how the white hart has shown who the gods favor."

"To you, it might seem that way," Aeonar replied. "But for us? It was a gift in celebration of Jaehaerys's second nameday. It's something any father would want for their child."

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