Chapter 22: Grand Hunt (Part 2)

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The Crownlands ― Kingswood...

Rhaenyra continued to gallop as far and fast as she could on her horse. Despite the calls from behind, the princess remained steadfast to be as far from the main camp as possible. Navigating through the trees, steering clear from the dirt path, she diverted from the traditional course and proceeded deeper into the kingswood.

"Princess, wait!" Criston continued to call out to her mid-pursuit. Being a soldier before donning the white cloak, the Kingsguard knight was determined to ensure her safety. However, there was a part of him that suspected something was troubling the princess. Perhaps it was his naiveté, but he couldn't just leave her alone like this. Gripping the reins of his horse, Criston moved to pick up the pace. Faster, closer, predict Rhaenyra's next moves... "Princess, slow down!" he called again. "Hyah, hyah, hyah!" Faster, faster, Criston moved his horse to the left until he finally caught up with Rhaenyra. "Princess!"

"No!" Rhaenyra shouted in protest.

Reaching out with his right hand, Criston grabbed the reins of Rhaenyra's horse, forcing both animals to come to a stop in front of a nearby lake. "Whoa, whoa, now!" he steadied both horses as they anxiously neighed. Taking a moment to catch their breaths, Criston figured now was the time to figure out what was troubling the princess. "What happened back there?" he asked as he removed his helm.

"My father... tried selling me off to Jason Lannister," Rhaenyra answered breathlessly. "Was... was my role in this society only made so that I might only further raise the standing of a Lord of Casterly Rock?"

"Do you want me to kill him?"

"Wha...? Pfft! Ha ha ha ha!"

Criston's humorous gesture seemed to help Rhaenyra relax and put her in a much better mood.

"Well, well... what have we here?" a voice called out.

Instinctively, Criston turned in the direction with his sword out ready to defend the princess from whoever approached. To their surprise, it was merely Daemon who stepped out from behind the trees, sheathing Dark Sister.

"Uncle? What are you doing here?" Rhaenyra seemed surprised to see Daemon.

"I should be the one asking you that, though I needn't have bothered," Daemon countered. "But if you must know, I was hunting. Well, I was hunting... until a sudden stampede scared off my prey." He glanced at Rhaenyra and Criston. "Imagine my surprise when I find it was none other than you two. Rhaenyra and Ser Crispon Coil."

"Ser Criston Cole," Criston corrected.

Rhaenyra placed a steady palm on the Kingsguard's shoulders. "He's just doing it simply to get a rise out of you. Hang around with us long enough and you'll eventually learn to get used to it," she reassured Criston. "Sparo sia arghugon, kepus? (What were you hunting, uncle?)" she asked her uncle in High Valyrian.

"Iā qryldes. Iā rōva mēre. Se arghurys sia tolī paez gierūltan ūbrie sīr nykēla istan naejot. (A pig. A big one. The huntsmen were too slow in getting ready, so I went ahead.)" Daemon answered.

"Ao dōrī sia mēre dēmatan vasīr. (You never were one to sit still.)" Rhaenyra glanced to see Criston looking at both of them, oblivious as to what the conversation was about. She could see the confusion on his face. "Kōttan lo ȳdragon isse Quptenkys Ēngos? (Mind if we speak in the Common Tongue?) I'm afraid Ser Criston doesn't speak High Valyrian, uncle."

"Aye, of course, he doesn't."

Now noticing the language they reverted to using, Criston motioned to Rhaenyra. "We should be heading back to camp, princess. It's going to be getting dark soon," he advised.

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