Chapter 43: Blackfyre

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Lyonel kept a steady schedule. In the past six years since his appointment as Hand of the King to Viserys I, the Lord of Harrenhal proved himself to be an ethical, capable councilor unmarked by self-interest, fair, considerate and earning the full trust of the king and his heir to be able to act without the need for Viserys's approval if the situation calls for it. One of his first acts as Hand was to fill the vacant office of Master of Laws on the small council; candidates from Queen Beatrice and Prince Aeonar were forwarded for consideration, their backgrounds were checked thoroughly, and upon inspection, Lyonel chose Lord Jasper Wylde of the Rain House as his replacement.

Since their return to King's Landing from Dragonstone, word quickly spread throughout the capital about Prince Jaehaerys's acquisition of the fearsome beast Vermithor and Princess Aemma's easy bond with Silverwing, two of the powerful second-generation dragons of the Old King's era. Many of the smallfolk called it a sign; that the Conciliator had somehow miraculously returned to this world in the form of his great-great-grandson, occasionally referring to him as 'Jaehaerys the Second' – whereas his younger sister was often compared to their great-great-grandmother, the Good Queen Alysanne.

Queen Beatrice, however, was livid upon receiving the word. Once again, she felt her children were overshadowed by the Young Dragon's spawn. Although she didn't say it aloud, the slightest shift in her posture often gave her displeasure away – yet Beatrice was clever enough to not be seen doing it publicly.

Yet Lyonel's work was never done. Being the second most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms, it was his duty to aid the king in keeping the realm together. So, he walked through the halls of the Red Keep, checking in on each council member's progress and inquiring about their progress. The ones Lyonel was familiar with assured him the same, Tyland issued his report on routine pirate raids occurring near the southeastern shores, and Jasper proved even stricter on matters regarding the law. There was only one more person he needed to check on: the king's heir and Master of Whisperers, Prince Aeonar Targaryen. Upon opening the doors leading to his chamber, the realm's spymaster's room was larger, containing its rookery – darker in color due to lack of sunlight with only the burning fireplace offering enough illumination. Did it just get considerably colder here? This looks... quite a lot of antiques he brought back with him from Dragonstone. The room looked more... draconic. Menacing, mysterious. Like any visitor who entered was being watched by the gods of Old Valyria's pantheon.

Farrier, one of the prince's chief agents, handed over a piece of paper. "Word from our comrade stationed in Lys, Brother Lycan. Ryndoon's men are scrambling after the loss of their benefactor, Magister Illonar Nesterion," he reported. "Once the deed was done, our brothers covered their tracks and quickly fled the scene before anyone could realize what just happened."

"Good," Aeonar replied coolly. Since his return to the small council as Master of Whisperers, the prince's methods had grown more calculating and efficient... but methodically ruthless as well. Any suspected of treason or foreign hostile threats to House Targaryen were shown no mercy. With eyes and ears spread across the realm, no one was safe from the Young Dragon's gaze if they were caught. "His support base is in the Disputed Lands. Tear it down." He turned to Farrier. "The captain-general wishes to make an enemy of House Targaryen? I'll give him what he wants. Doesn't Racallio have a right-hand man? Varesso Mopah? He's still wanted by the Faceless Men."

"Yes, my prince. I believe that is so."

"Good. Send them the location of his whereabouts... anonymously, and make sure Racallio's men know the consequences. I'll make sure the Faceless Men are paid for their services."

"At your command."

Lyonel watched Farrier move past him before returning his gaze to his young colleague. "A little bit harsh when it comes to dealing with perceived threats, don't you think?" he inquired.

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