Chapter 59: Fathers of the Reach ― Hightower and Peake

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Driftmark ― High Tide...

Yesterday's events were still fresh in Otto's mind as he compiled his reports for his contacts in King's Landing. The theft of Vhagar, the altercation between the royal children, and the queen's bold attack on Alicent and Rhaenyra, which Aeonar, the current Hand of the King, fortunately, thwarted. As he walked down the main hall, Otto unexpectedly encountered Jaehaerys, his eldest grandson. Judging by the troubled expression on the young prince's face, Otto sensed that he was still affected by the previous night's events. "Jaehaerys," he noticed.

"Grandfather," Jaehaerys acknowledged.

"How is Aeonar?"

"He's... all right. The maesters assure us that, although the blade went deep, father's injury could have been worse."

"I'm not surprised. Your father has always been stubborn about someone other than himself, much like His Grace."

"How... How is he? The king, I mean."

"His spirit is very low. His Grace has always been a man of peace, a father who wants what is best for his children. But he could not have anticipated that relations between his children would gradually worsen, nor would the queen's reckless attack on his heir. I fear this will have a serious effect on his health."

Grandfather... Jaehaerys thought about King Viserys. This all had to be taking a toll on him in ways he couldn't come close to comprehending. There must be something he could do for him. But how? "Would it be possible for reconciliation? Between father and grandfather?" he asked. "I fear for the future should the worst come to pass. Not just for the realm, but our family as well."

"That is my concern as well," Otto observed. I believe Laena's funeral and learning how she died only brought forth bitter memories of the past. That could explain Aeonar's indifference to the king. And stubbornness. "It's been fourteen years since your grandmother's passing. No one should hold a grudge for this long; it only adds to His Grace's troubled soul."

"Surely something can be done to resolve this."

"The future is always uncertain, Jaehaerys, which is why I called in a few favors. For now, I thought you might go to him. Lift his morale. He could use a visitor." Otto then eyed his grandson up and down. "I'm sure if any are up to the task, it would be you. When the crown organized a royal hunt eleven years ago, the gods favored you over Aegon the Elder after your father returned from the war in the Stepstones; presented a rare white hart in your name where none succeeded. You, my grandson, are the future of House Targaryen. When your time comes, the realm will be in your hands. Just be certain the path you walk is the right one."

As he pondered the task at hand, Jaehaerys couldn't ignore the weight of his family's legacy. Being the first son of the Young Dragon, he was born into a world of immense responsibility and expectations. Though he never asked for it, he dutifully carried the blood of Old Valyria within him, just like his father, aunt, grandfather, and forefathers before him. Despite this, Jaehaerys found himself carefully considering the words of his maternal grandfather. Stubborn, huh? Mother has mentioned that to me on more than one occasion. But if that's the path I must take to reunite my father and grandfather the way they used to be, then that is the path I must walk. "I will do what I must, grandfather, for the sake of the realm and our family," he said collectedly. "It is of utmost importance for the House of the Dragon to unite as a united front during these troubled times. Hope, grandfather, is a good thing, maybe even the best of things, which can bring us together again. I am confident that we can still achieve our goal of reuniting our family. Mother shares this conviction with unwavering faith. She believes that there is still good in father. As do I."

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