Chapter 105: Battle of the Gullet (Part 2)

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The Narrow Sea...

The deck of Queen Rhaenys was shrouded in a thick, impenetrable fog that seemed to stretch out endlessly in every direction. Addam of Hull stood with his arms folded, tapping his fingers anxiously against his forearms. The mist was a nuisance, but it wasn't what was really bothering him. Viserys, Nettles, and Lucerys were nowhere to be seen, and they should have reported back by now. Addam couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong - perhaps Luke was being cautious as this was his first battle, uncertain of Nettles' intentions as she usually took longer than expected and finding it uncharacteristic for Viserys to be late in any circumstance. Addam's mind raced with possibilities, and he couldn't help but wonder what could have held them up for so long.

But a juvenile dragon's shrill echoing through the air soon broke everyone's concentration.

"Dragon incoming!" one of the sailors called out.

Addam raised his gaze, squinting to enhance his vision. It was Arrax, with Lucerys looking visibly troubled. "Prince Lucerys, what's going on?" he inquired assertively.

"It's the Triarchy! They found us!" Lucerys warned.

"What?! How many?!"

"Forty-five, I think. Viserys and Nettles stayed behind to hold them off, but they won't last long without help! Please, Addam! You have to send your ships!"

"Shit!" Addam cursed. "All hands to your posts!" he called out to his crew. "Trim the sails! Man the oars! Get those catapults and scorpions armed and ready to fire on my command! We move! Let's go! Double time!"

The sounds of a war horn echoed across the sea, serving as a clarion call to Addam's auxiliary ships that the enemy was lurking nearby, their presence a looming threat. With great speed and determination, each vessel surged forward, utilizing both the power of the mighty wind and the synchronized rowing of oars. The sails billowed, capturing the gusts of wind that propelled them on, while the rhythmic cadence of the rowers' oars sliced through the water, propelling the ships with an almost supernatural speed. As the ships cut through the waves, the sea spray danced in the air, mingling with the heavy tension over the fleet. The Triarchy's northern squadron awaited them with their own arsenal of warships. Without help from the Velaryon auxiliary fleet, Viserys and Nettles and their dragons were in deep trouble.

Lucerys, unwilling to abandon yet another cousin to their fate, tightly secured himself to his saddle and urged his dragon forward. With a piercing shriek, Arrax soared through the air, driven by the sole purpose of reuniting with Maelyx and Sheepstealer in the midst of the battle. He had already lost Daeron to Aemond above Shipbreaker Bay; Luke wasn't about to lose Viserys to the Triarchy remnants over the Narrow Sea. Please, let me make it time! Hold on, Viserys! Hold on! I'm coming!


Corlys tightened his grip on his battleaxe, feeling the weapon's weight in his hand. The cold metal sent a surge of determination through his veins, fueling his resolve. He stood tall, his broad shoulders squared, scanning the horizon for any sign of movement. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as if the elements held their breath, waiting for the impending clash of steel and bloodshed.

As the Lord of the Tides waited for the signal from Addam's or Alyn's fleets, Corlys heard the faint sound of war horns blaring from both the north and the south. The haunting melody cut through the silence, echoing across the vast expanse of the battlefield. The dense fog surrounding him muffled the sound, but he could still make out the distinct tones, each note carrying a sense of urgency and impending danger.

Suddenly, hues of orange flashed and dissipated through the fog, accompanied by the sounds of dragons roaring. Again and again and again.

With a deep breath, Corlys readied himself. The time had come to take action, to lead his men into the heart of battle. "Men! Begin the attack! Reinforce the northern and southern fleets!" he commanded. "Today, we stand united against our enemies! Today, we send the Triarchy to the depths of hell!"

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