Chapter 93: The Prince of Dragonstone

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Red Keep ― Outer courtyard...

After the tumultuous Battle of Duskendale, Prince Jaehaerys dedicated several days to coordinating relief efforts alongside his siblings. The Blacks, having successfully repelled the attempted invasion by the Caltrops, proceeded to sweep through the Crownlands and reclaim Rosby and Stokeworth. However, the aftermath of the battle brought a wave of refugees to the capital, desperately seeking safety and shelter. These unfortunate individuals had been cruelly used as pawns by Jaehaerys' father, King Aeonar, who had manipulated their lives in order to lure Ser Criston and Aegon Waters into a trap. Despite the Blacks' victory, the situation remained highly precarious and uncertain, leaving Jaehaerys and his family with the difficult task of providing assistance and support to those in dire need. Although their father may have lacked mercy, Jaehaerys and his siblings were determined to show compassion and kindness to those affected by the brutal events of the civil war.

Prince Jaehaerys was known for his commitment to justice and fairness, qualities that were in stark contrast to the growing cruelty of his father. As the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the throne, he understood the importance of being persuasive and knowing when to apply pressure. He sought to maintain a balanced leadership approach rooted in wisdom, empathy, and a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of his people.

"Dragon returning!" one of the scouts called out.

Jaehaerys was interrupted from his focus as he gazed up and saw Meleys soaring above, completing her scouting mission around Rook's Rest before landing. Knowing that the Red Queen was present, he was sure Princess Rhaenys was also there. The Queen Who Never Was dismounted and tended to her dragon while Jaehaerys approached her as her grandson-in-law. "Princess Rhaenys," he greeted.

Rhaenys turned her gaze towards her young kinsman. "It would be appropriate to address me as your grandmother, given that you are now wedded to my granddaughter," she conveyed with a gentle expression and a subtle gesture.

"Oh. I, uh... my apologies, Pri― Grandmother."

"You look troubled. Are things going well between you and Baela?"

"She is always in my thoughts... even when we're far apart. We correspond through written letters whenever possible, but I must admit that I harbor concerns regarding her safety and well-being."

"Baela's strength and fortitude are reminiscent of her mother, my daughter Laena when she was a girl. You are young, Jaehaerys, and I recognize the conflict you are grappling with, even if you don't show it. Nevertheless, we all must prepare ourselves for the inevitable one day. When unknown forces are at play, the great potential for tragedy always looms, posing a risk to one or both parties involved." Rhaenys turned to him. "You are both Targaryens, the blood of the dragon. And you are the son of a king. Each of you has responsibilities which supersede your personal desires."

"The mantle of responsibility is a lifelong commitment to be considered with great seriousness, as I have come to understand. It is a duty I shall not forsake or forswore, even if the weight of such a burden remains a heavy one."

"In uncertain times, nothing can be taken for granted," Rhaenys remarked gravely. "Have you ever wondered what motivated Maegor to do what he did when the Faith Militant took up arms against our house? What led the maesters to label him 'the Cruel'?"

Jaehaerys looked at her. "We have studied what was left of the ancient Valyrian archives the Lykirī Mēre preserved. The Targaryen madness was an affliction that plagued our family since the old Valyrian empire before the Doom. What happened with my father and Maegor wasn't the first time it manifested." He appeared to be lost in thought, with a slightly downcast expression. "According to the old texts from Dragonstone that Maester Alwyn was examining, the Targaryen madness was mentioned multiple times. It appears that intermarrying within the family or selecting a partner outside of it does not guarantee us from potentially succumbing to this madness under certain circumstances."

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