Chapter 109: Forbidden Magic of Old Valyria

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King's Landing ― Fishmarket (Near the Mud Gate)...

Following the Battle of the Gullet, the 124 surviving ships of the Velaryon fleet entered the harbor for repairs and to resupply their stocks. The surviving battered and worn ships were docked haphazardly. Their sails were torn, and their decks were stained with the blood of fallen warriors. The air was heavy with the scent of saltwater and smoke, a testament to the fierce battle. Upon their arrival, the injured sailors, some barely clinging to life, were being tended to by the volunteer healers within the city and a few from the Red Keep, including Maester Alwyn, as they worked tirelessly attending to the wounded. At the same time, the City Watch worked to maintain order.

The girl, Nettles, did not share their celebrations. She had flown with the others, fought as bravely, burned and killed as they had, but her face was black with smoke and streaked with tears when she returned.

Upon hearing of the events, Queen Alicent swiftly quickened her pace to the bustling harbor. Her mind was consumed with worry for the safety of her children and the brave sailors who had fought bravely in the battle at sea. As the queen navigated through the crowded streets, a mix of anxiety and relief pulsed through her heart. The gathered people recognized Alicent's presence and respectfully made way for her, bowing their heads in reverence. Their actions served as a reminder of the weight of her responsibility and the respect she commanded as queen consort.

"Tend to the wounded. Do what you can for them."

From her vantage point, Queen Alicent's eyes fell upon her nephew, Prince Jacaerys, being pulled out of the water. The sight of him, drenched and disheveled, struck her to the core. His grief for losing Vermax was palpable, so overwhelming that Jace had to be physically restrained from diving back into the sea. Tears streamed down the dark-haired Velaryon's face, his sobs echoing through the air, a heartbreaking testament to the pain he felt. Lucerys, on the other hand, was feeling just as bad as his older brother.

"How many have been lost?"

"We're still tallying the losses, but so far, our official count is at least 4,000 men. As for our fleet, seventy-six ships were lost, twelve damaged beyond repair, and nine could return with a few weeks' work in a safe harbor. However, we also lost three dragons."

"Seven hells... that many? That's slightly more than a third of Driftmark's naval power."

"I'm told there was an incident between the king and Lord Corlys. Apparently, some of the Sea Snake's ships were caught in His Grace's dragon's crossfire, which blew some of them up. House Velaryon was not pleased. I'm told Lord Corlys confronted the king about it and threatened to withdraw his support, but His Grace yelled right back, threatened him with treason if he 'breaks a sworn oath to the crown like the rest of those malcontents.'"

"Treason? Has he gone mad?!"

"'If this be victory, I pray I never win another,' is what I recall the Sea Snake telling him. Ever since King Viserys passed and Prince Daeron was killed, I fear the Young Dragon's vengeful malice is progressively worsening."

"By the gods, I only hope Prince Jaehaerys can stitch the realm back together when he ascends the Iron Throne..."

"Shhh! Quiet! Someone might hear you!"

As she approached the harbor, Alicent scanned the scene. She spotted her children huddling together with their respective dragons, looking shaken but unharmed. She breathed a sigh of relief and approached them, happy at the sight of them alive. However, Alicent's attention was drawn to Aegon, who seemed disheartened, his shoulders slumped and his gaze fixed on the ground; a disheartened expression had replaced his usually vibrant and confident demeanor. She longed to wrap her arms around him and offer him comfort, but she knew Aemma was already by his side, providing solace in her own gentle way. Yet the queen saw no sign of Corxes. "Oh, Aegon..." she murmured, concern etched on her face.

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