Chapter 127: Second Battle of the Kingsroad

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The Stormlands ― Kingsroad...

High above the Kingsroad, Daemon Targaryen soared through the skies astride his dragon, Caraxes. From this vantage point, he observed the unfolding battle below with keen interest. Having successfully seized control of Bronzegate in the northern region, the Blacks received reinforcements from Ashford and the Grassy Vale in the Reach. These additional troops swiftly occupied the strategic Dornish Marches near the borders with Dorne before seizing Blackhaven. With the Stormlands now completely isolated from the rest of the realm, the Blacks prepared to push forward towards Storm's End. However, Lord Borros was not going down without a fight. Despite the ferocious storm raging around the Baratheon host, rain pouring down in torrents, turning the battlefield into a muddy quagmire and lightning illuminating the darkened sky, Borros rallied his troops and charged headlong into the fray, ready to confront the Blacks. This clash of armies, destined to be remembered as 'the Great Storm' by minstrels and historians alike, promised to be a battle of epic proportions.

"Boys these days. Always making a mess of things," Daemon said, amused, leaning from his saddle for a closer look at the battlefield. "I did not think they would be so eager to die."

The clash of steel and the screams of the wounded echoed in the air as the two armies collided in a brutal and bloody melee. Throughout the stormy night, the ground shook beneath their feet and softened as it turned to mud, making it difficult for both sides to maintain their footing. The elements seemed to conspire against the Baratheon forces, hindering their every move. Lord Borros led the charge himself, forming his knights into a wedge, and thundered down the road at the heart of the foe, where the white falcon of the Eyrie and silver trout of Riverrun floated on their respective banners beside the quartered arms of the Young Dragon. As the storm raged on, the casualties mounted on both sides. The ground became littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers, their blood mingling with the rain-soaked earth. The air was thick with the stench of death and the sounds of agony.

But among the next generation, two red-haired youths would profoundly impact the land.

"Lord Darry, strike from the left flank! Lord Jorah, you take the right! Oscar, you and me will attack the center!" Kermit Tully commanded, his authoritative voice echoing across the battlefield. Kermit was a vital and fearless leader despite his wild and headstrong nature. Wild and obstinate, yet a crucial and bold leader, the young Tully took command of the Riverlands' armies following his father's death in battle. Now the new Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident, Kermit rallied his father's men to his side. Alongside his younger brother Ser Oscar and Lord Benjicot Blackwood, the trio earned a reputation as 'the Lads' from their men-at-arms. With his morningstar swinging with deadly precision, Kermit fought fiercely against the Baratheon forces, striking down any opponent who dared to stand in his way. At the same time, his bannermen supported the Knights of the Vale's cavalry in defeating Lord Borros Baratheon's troops and securing the Stormlands for the Blacks.

"Ha! Is this the best you can do?" Oscar taunted.

"Keep your eyes on the prize, brother! We crush House Baratheon here, and the war is over!"

"Better late than never!"

House Tully's troops pushed forward with unwavering determination as the battle raged. The clash of weapons grew louder, drowning out the cries of pain, curses, and the thundering hooves of horses. The battlefield became a chaotic symphony of chaos and destruction. The ground beneath their feet was littered with fallen soldiers, friends, and foes alike as the battle took its toll on both sides. The smell of blood and sweat permeated the air, mingling with the acrid scent of burning wood from the nearby village caught in the crossfire.

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