Chapter 16: Second Betrayal

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King's Landing ― Grand Sept...

It has been more than eight weeks since the honeymoon phase ended, but each new beginning began with more surprises. Now, Aeonar and Rhaenyra were never the religious types. But the Grand Sept was one of the only locations in the capital outside the Red Keep that was silent enough to offer solitude. At Alicent's request, both Targaryen royals agreed to meet her by the altar. It felt different being back here when Aeonar and Alicent got married here. Yet she was right. This evening's prayer offered much silence and time for contemplation while the septas tended to the Faith of the Seven's teachings and septs led the evening prayer. Surrounded by statues of the Seven aspects symbolizing parts of life and prayed to for different purposes: the Father, the Mother, the Maiden, the Crone, the Warrior, the Smith, and the Stranger. The altar before them, lit with candles, had dried wax that melted onto the top.

"Never took you for a religious one," Rhaenyra chimed.

"I'm not," Aeonar denied.

"Still... it's hard to believe it's been only half a year since our mother died."

"I know. I still miss her... every day."

Alicent stood reassuringly. "It's only natural for the two of you to feel this way," she said. "But let's not dwell on such things, shall we? I figured that with all the politicking and the... stress from each small council session, you two would like to come to join me in prayer to relieve your burdens."

"But why?" Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow. "I just know those men plot and scheme in their secret councils when I'm not looking."

"It's all part of the great game, Rhaenyra. Governing is taxing, to the point of being unbearable, but it is what it is," Aeonar explained. "If you wish to become a competent and capable ruler, you must embrace a larger view of the world and expand your horizons rather than rely on the narrow, dogmatic views of lesser men."

"Pfff! 'Dogmatic views of lesser men.' Sounds like you hate it just as much as I do."

"Rhaenyra, Aeonar," Alicent interjected. "You cannot worry about the matters of lords and kings." She leaned down to pick up a fresh batch of candles from one of the nearby benches. "Besides, what if your father were to remarry? Does it bother you?"

"We've already discussed it at length," Aeonar mentioned.

"Father has already agreed to spend time with Laena Velaryon. Get to know her better... and hopefully wait until she is mature enough to marry," Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. "Still... it doesn't make replacing our mother any better."

"No one can ever replace our mother. Not in this life or the next."

"You know your father loves you both," Alicent replied. "You know he'd choose you two over anyone else." Grasping one of the thin extensions, she lights two more candles before blowing on the extension to put out the burning tip. Alicent then kneels and places both her hands together underneath her chin to begin the prayer.

Aeonar nearly scoffed. He has an odd way of showing it.

"Come. Kneel with me. Both of you. It will do you good. I promise."

Aeonar and Rhaenyra both looked at Alicent unexpectedly. Though silent, both merely approached her before separating. Rhaenyra knelt to Alicent's left, while Aeonar knelt to her right. Taking both their hands in each of hers, Alicent gave a reassuring squeeze to let them know everything was going to be all right.

"I find this is a way to be with my mother. Here in the quiet of the Sept, I feel close to her."

"I remember her," Aeonar recalled. "She was always good to us." Though it is a great shame she did not live long enough to see her daughter wed. You would have been so proud of her, Lady Evelyne. The woman Alicent's grown up to be.

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