Chapter 77: Viserys the Peaceful

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Hey guys, sorry if I have been active in a while. Unfortunately, on Friday 06/16/2023 at 10:25 PM, I was informed of the tragic passing of my grandmother due to cancer. She was in no pain; she did not suffer; she passed away peacefully in her sleep. For some time, I had to take some time off to mourn her; as the rest of my family stood together consoling one another in grief, we took a moment of silence to remember her values and honor her memory before we begin preparing for her funeral in the next few weeks.

So, yeah. My mind's been pretty much all over the place.

So, this chapter is dedicated to my grandmother and any whose families have had to deal with a loved one experiencing or who has experienced cancer.

Rest in peace, abuela. We'll miss you.


Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

As the morning sun peeked through the castle windows, Alicent pushed the grand doors to King Viserys's room open. Since she woke up realizing her husband still hadn't come to bed, she had been searching for Aeonar, and there he was, fast asleep beside his sister Rhaenyra. The two siblings had kept watch over their father all night long, and Alicent couldn't help but feel touched by their unwavering devotion. She approached them quietly, not wanting to disturb their much-needed rest, and gently shook them awake. "Good morning, you two," she whispered. "Time to wake up."

Aeonar and Rhaenyra began to wake up, feeling a bit disoriented. After a few moments, the Young Dragon was the first to open his eyes with a groan. "Mmmm," he murmured.

Rhaenyra slowly stretched her arms and let out a yawn. "Oh, my back," she muttered, feeling stiff.

"Mmm. Ah, Alicent. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept," Alicent answered. "However, there was this big, empty spot in the bed where my husband usually sleeps."

Aeonar got up from his seat. "Well, he didn't mention that he and his sister had taken up the responsibility of looking after their father," he mumbled sleepily.

Rhaenyra walked to the other side of the bed and placed her hand on Viserys' face to check for a pulse. Though weak, he was still breathing. "Looks like he's pulled through the night," she remarked. "How long he'll last is uncertain."

"We can only do what's best for him. Make sure he's as comfortable as possible."

"I'll prepare his medicine," Alicent said.

"Alicent―" Rhaenyra said.

"No, I can't allow you two to take on the entire burden. The stress is already taking a toll on you both. Let us help and share the responsibility of caring for him," Alicent declared, determined to lend a helping hand. With precise instructions from Maester Alwyn and guidance from her daughter, she expertly crushed and pounded the medicinal ingredients, including willow bark. One drop of dreamwine, and the king's medicine was ready to be administered. Alicent's dedication was truly admirable. "My king," she whispered.

"Haah... ohh..." Viserys let out a low moan, feeling a bit dazed. He raised the vial to his lips and took a sip. "Ahhh..." he exhaled, letting out a contented sigh of relief.

"Father, how are you feeling?" Rhaenyra asked with concern.

Viserys winced in pain before replying, "It comes... and goes, my dear. But I... appreciate your concern and... the presence of all three of you."

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