Chapter 96: Battle of Rook's Rest (Part 1)

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The Crownlands ― Rook's Rest...

Rhaenys quickly wrote several letters with a sense of urgency and sealed them with hot wax before entrusting them to the messengers of House Velaryon and dismissing them. The letters were assigned to the messengers of House Velaryon because of the urgent nature of the situation. She had discovered a plot by the Caltrops that was even more aggressive than their previous attempts, and the Crownlands were going to be invaded again, with Rook's Rest being identified as a primary target. Ser Criston Cole would lead the vanguard, while traitors Aegon and Aemond would take to the skies with their dragons, Sunfyre and Vhagar. Unfortunately, Sunfyre still hadn't recovered from the injuries sustained during the failed attempt to seize Duskendale. Vaelor had severely burned Sunfyre's back legs and tail with flames, while one of his wings was nearly crippled from the fall while trying to escape. This would undoubtedly make Sunfyre an easy target.

As the impending battle loomed closer, Meleys the Red Queen could sense the danger that emanated from Vhagar's deafening roar. Rhaenys was acutely aware that Vhagar was the largest and deadliest dragon of them all, and she prepared herself for what could potentially be a bloody fight. She knew that Meleys had a slim chance of defeating Vhagar in a one-on-one battle, but the real threat lay in the possibility of both Vhagar and Sunfyre attacking together, which would be fatal even for her. Furthermore, Aemond was a more dangerous and skilled warrior than his older brother, Aegon. Rhaenys understood that facing him alone would be a considerable challenge, even for an experienced dragonrider such as herself. Therefore, she concluded that if she wanted to defend Rook's Rest and stand a chance against the Targaryen army, she would need help.

"Princess, Lord Staunton has been informed of the enemy's advance," a scout from House Velaryon reported. "The gates of Rook's Rest have been closed, the citizens evacuated, and the walls manned. However, it will take time for reinforcements from Rosby, Stokeworth, and Duskendale to arrive as they have not yet recovered from the previous attack."

"How many men does Ser Criston have?" Rhaenys inquired.

"Over 100 knights and 500 men-at-arms, along with 1,800 hardened sellswords. This number is significantly less than what the Caltrops had when they swept through Rosby, Stokeworth, and at Duskendale. We suspect that by bringing Vhagar into the equation, the battle will cause substantial damage on our side. Princess, we need additional dragons if there is any hope of defeating her."

"I know. Let's hope the next generation answers our call. Return to King's Landing―tell my husband to have the Velaryon fleet ready to mobilize. I'll hold them off as long as I can."

"A-As you wish, princess."

With a watchful eye, Rhaenys observed the scout hastening away with a sense of urgency, his legs carrying him as fast as they could. It had been precisely nine days since the Queen Who Never Was had issued an early warning to House Staunton, and now Rhaenys was left to fend off the impending invasion force of the Caltrops. She hoped reinforcements would arrive in time, but she couldn't help feeling uncertain about Aeonar, given his deteriorating mental state. Nevertheless, though she was half-Baratheon by birth, the blood of Old Valyria coursed through her veins. As a descendant of Aegon the Conqueror himself and the granddaughter of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, Rhaenys was confident that the younger Targaryen dragonriders would be more likely to come to her aid, and she remained steadfast in her determination. Dragons fighting dragons. It was exactly as you feared, grandfather: the only thing that can tear down the House of the Dragon... is itself. What will be left of the realm to claim after we have ravaged it?

"*Grrrrrrrrr!*" Meleys hissed.

As Rhaenys prepared for battle, she meticulously donned her steel and copper armor, ensuring every buckle and strap was securely fastened. Determined, she mounted her dragon and settled herself firmly in the saddle. Before taking flight, she cast a final glance over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of the distant shores of Driftmark from atop the high hills. Corlys... it's up to them now. The Queen Who Never Was had vivid recollections of her youth as a princess of the powerful Targaryen dynasty, one of the top two contenders for the Iron Throne during the Great Council in 101 AC, how she later bore two children and became a grandmother, evidencing the maturity and wisdom she had gained through the years. However, as Rhaenys considered the looming battle ahead, she could not be sure whether she would emerge victorious or succumb to her fate.

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