Chapter 62: Filler Arc ― Jaehaerys Targaryen

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Driftmark ― High Tide...

Two years later, the skies above Driftmark had remained unchanged. Every day was the same, yet things changed routinely. But peering through the clouds at high speed, Vermithor soared in a deep, guttural growl as he led his rider to their prime destination: Driftmark, the seat of House Velaryon. Keeping his wings spread out, the elder dragon maintained a steady course before gradually beginning his descent near High Tide. They would be arriving soon. As the castle's visual imagery grew closer, so did Vermithor as he flapped his wings to slow down and eventually land in a spacious location accommodating a dragon his size.

"Dragon incoming!" a Velaryon household knight announced.

"*Guuuuuuuuuurrr!*" Vermithor growled deeply, his bronze eyes glaring at the humans before him. The Bronze Fury tolerated humanity's presence but bared his teeth to warn them to keep their distance from him out of respect for his rider.

Landing on his feet upon dismounting, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen soothed Vermithor's fearsome nature. "Lykirī, Vērmithari. (Be calm, Vermithor.)" he instructed patiently. "Sȳris. (Good.)" Jaehaerys was fifteen years old, almost a year from legally becoming a man-grown. His long Valyrian silver hair was tied in a low ponytail, minus a few bangs hanging near his face; the young prince had grown in height, now standing approximately six feet tall. Clean, handsome, and well-groomed, Jaehaerys closely resembled his father in his youth.

"Welcome back to Driftmark, Prince Jaehaerys," one of the Velaryon knights greeted.

"Very well met, Ser Rydan."

"If you've come seeking an audience, Princess Rhaenys is in the Hall of Nine. She's been expecting you. We've arranged a proper escort to take you there. May we accompany you?"

"Yes, I believe that will be for the best. First, however, I must remind everyone to be mindful of Vermithor. He may tolerate people, but please don't get too close to him when I'm not around," Jaehaerys accompanied the group into High Tide. In the following two years, he had been exchanging letters with his cousins Baela and Rhaena via messenger raven, building a rapport with them and getting to know them more personally. While each appreciated the letters, Jaehaerys felt that seeing them in person was a preferable method of familial bonding. So, on one of few occasions, whenever his daily duties were fulfilled or when he had time to spare, he would visit Driftmark to see them, as did his siblings when they were available.

"We've heard no word from King's Landing, my prince, only rumors. Is it true that... His Grace..."

"Grandfather has been unwell for quite some time, but I assure you His Grace is in capable hands. My father has called upon the realm's finest maesters and healers to treat him."

"But what of the word surrounding the Blacks and the Caltrops?"

Jaehaerys shook his head. They still have no idea. "I'm afraid I cannot comment on the current political climate in King's Landing at this time," he declined. "I can share, however, that we're doing everything possible to resolve the matter peaceably. What comes next, I cannot say. Everything else has been deemed classified. Even so, the court is confident that calmer heads may yet prevail in the negotiations."

"When has that ever been the case?" Alyn of Hull remarked.

"I'm an optimist. Just ask Aemma."


As the Lady Regent of Driftmark, Princess Rhaenys took charge of managing affairs in her husband's absence while he led a naval expedition against the Triarchy in the Stepstones. Lord Corlys departed with 300 longships and war galleys; declaring their support for House Velaryon, House Targaryen sent an additional 100 ships and 1,200 troops to aid them. However, there were some disagreements regarding the petition to recall Jacaerys from the ruins of Hollard castle to learn the art of governance at High Tide, as opposition arose from accusations of illegitimacy made by Lord Corlys's younger brother, Ser Vaemond, and his sons Daemion and Daeron. Nevertheless, as a fair and capable Lady Regent of Driftmark, Rhaenys dismissed their petitions and awaited her husband's return from naval warfare to make his decision officially—only Corlys's voice they would heed, regardless of their doubts or not.

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