Chapter 61: Passing Judgment, Reborn from Ashes

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Driftmark ― High Tide...

Qarl Correy, the lowborn knight wanted for the murder of Ser Laenor Velaryon, was brought before the Driftwood Throne in chains. Although he tried to flee to Essos by ship, he had not expected Vaelor to appear out of nowhere and thwart his escape. Qarl was forced to abandon the ship to avoid the dragon's flame, but the explosion left several burn marks on his face and the left side of his body. He narrowly survived, but the Velaryon fleet was able to close in and apprehend him. Qarl was now a prisoner awaiting the judgment of Driftmark's lord. Having lost both their children, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys stared angrily at the man who murdered their only son.

"Ser Qarl Correy, a lowborn household knight and veteran of the War for the Stepstones," Vaemond judged. "He awaits judgment for the murder of my brother's heir and my nephew, Laenor. Witnesses claim they heard them quarreling in Spicetown when he drew his sword and ran him through before fleeing the crime scene, injuring several of our men trying to escape. Surprisingly, he does not even contest this. If it were me, I'd have his head on a spike after drowning him with my bare hands." He grumbled before stepping aside to make way for his brother and the Hand of the King. "His fate... is yours to decide. Just give us his head."

Qarl remained silent.

"Murdering the heir to Driftmark... I hope you're lucid enough to understand the charges," Aeonar stated.

"I am..."

"Then WHY?!" Corlys snapped angrily. "Laenor was my son – my ONLY son and heir! – and you KILLED HIM!! Tell me! Tell me why!"

"I... can't..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T?!" Rhaenys shouted with grief.

Aeonar analyzed Qarl's tone, posture, and reluctance to meet their gaze. Huh. One must forget that the game of thrones is never truly over. "An insane person would never admit to voluntary manslaughter, nor would they regret their actions," he deduced. "Not unless they had a motive." The Young Dragon glanced at the deflated Qarl. "The Spicetown fair wasn't meant to commence until a few hours had passed, yet my contacts noticed you were rather moody beforehand. Moreover, Farrier mentioned you received an anonymous tip on Ser Laenor's whereabouts before anyone knew what was happening."

Corlys narrowed his eyes, his hands gripping his battleaxe tightly. "So you do know something! Tell US NOW!!" he roared.

Still, despite the threats, Qarl said nothing. Finally, his anger getting the best of him, Corlys raised his weapon to strike down the man who killed his son, but Aeonar stayed his hand.

"Not yet, Lord Corlys."

"What?! You know what he did, brother," Vaemond protested. "He killed your son! It's your right to demand justice! Take his head!"

"You kill him now, and we'll lose the only chance we'll ever have at uncovering the truth forever. Only he knows who told him where Laenor was going to be. He can't tell you if he's dead."

Corlys panted angrily, inhaling and exhaling aggressively. Seven hells, the Sea Snake wants justice for his only son's murder. But some of him sensed reason, so he begrudgingly stayed his hand. "Tell us who sent you after Laenor," he demanded, more reserved this time.

Qarl remained to stare at the ground. For an extended period, he didn't say anything. But after a while, he slowly shook his head. "I didn't see his face," he confessed. "He kept his hood down. Nor did he mention their name on a piece of paper. That's all I know. The witnesses at Spicetown you all claim to witness what I've done would also confirm what we already knew about Laenor. I never thought he'd lose interest in a paramour so quickly that he'd move on to another."

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