Chapter 45: The Orange Queen and the Black Prince

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Red Keep ― Small Council chambers...

"It's not a matter of when they've resorted to violence," Tyland argued. "It's a matter of how and why."

"Really? I've read the report, Ser Tyland. More than 115 people have been killed in two weeks. One side chooses to attack, the other retaliates by stepping it up a notch. These fanatics are getting out of control," Jasper retorted.

"But surely they must have been receiving some financial backers? Otherwise, how else would they have been so well-funded?" Lyman asked.

"And yet," Rhaenyra chimed in, "both sides claim the other is responsible for the recent tragedies that have occurred while denying such deeds themselves – regardless of who supports who."

Lyonel sighed with exasperation. "These... Blacks and Caltrops won't cease their squabbling unless one side remains the powerhouse in the capital. So long as the internal dispute continues, I expect we'll be seeing more attacks in these next few months," he said. "Prince Aeonar," he turned to his right. "Have your people reported anything back?" he asked.

"Of the 115 dead, 37 of them were my men," Aeonar replied. "While my spy network has taken a hit, it will take some time to trace the lines connecting the malcontents who thrived in my absence and despise the uncertainty."

"Would you at least tell your Blacks to stand down?"

"They pledged themselves to the crown, not to me." From my perspective, they're trying to prevent an outsider from usurping what is rightfully theirs. Fighting back against these... sycophants.

"The same could be said of the Caltrops. If that's the case, then the matter shall be deferred to our managing of the king's laws," Jasper rolled his eyes.

"When my spiders get dragged into it, I'm afraid it does become my problem, Lord Wylde."

"I am the king's Master of Laws, my prince―"

"And I am the king's Master of Whisperers... as well as your future king," Aeonar warned coolly. "And you will not interfere in my investigation into the matter." Especially since those were my men who were butchered like animals.

"My lord Hand―" Jasper tried to protest.

"No, I will allow it," Lyonel said. "The prince will be permitted to oversee the investigation into the attacks with the full support of the crown."

"Thank you, Lord Strong." Huh. Five Caltrops dead for one individual member of the Blacks. They'll be feeling the sting of this for quite some time, but we'll be ready for them. I'll make certain of that. "Now... if there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave."

Aeonar and Rhaenyra left the small council chambers.

Following the recent session, the princess knew her brother was understandably angry at the recent attack on his spy network. Upon deploying the Lykirī Mēre to coordinate efforts with the City Watch, the Blacks were able to retaliate by isolating Caltrops members or sympathizers – inflicting the same punishment they did with them, sometimes worse: a death sentence by being burned alive with wildfire, courtesy of the Alchemists' Guild. Rumored to be a distant cousin to dragonflame, wildfire was described as a volatile, flammable murky green liquid that once set on fire can burn for a long time – burning so hot that it can even melt human flesh, wood, stone, and even steel. Hell, not even water could extinguish it.

Rumors suggest that, even in the dead of night, one of the Caltrops – member or sympathizer – would hear the screams and shrieks of those being burned alive with wildfire as punishment for provoking the Blacks.

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