Chapter 51: Settling Down

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King's Landing ― Blackwater Bay...

Laenor took his sons Jacaerys and Lucerys flying atop Seasmoke over Blackwater Bay. Although the dragon was large at one hundred feet long and was more accustomed to his rider, the heir to Driftmark worked to have both strapped to a makeshift saddle to hold the three of them. Therefore, Seasmoke was more uncomfortable having more than one person on his back than either Jacaerys or Lucerys were by being confined in such tight corners. Nevertheless, both the Velaryon princes were happy to spend quality time with their father. "Hold on tight, you two," Laenor told them.

"*Wrooooh!*" Seasmoke screeched.

"Father, can we please go faster?" Lucerys asked.

"No, no. No. We can't have your mother throttle me when we go back."

Before long, high-pitched squawks emanated from behind. The young juvenile dragons, Vermax and Arrax, flapped their wings as hard as possible to keep up with Seasmoke. However, unlike Seasmoke, Vermax and Arrax were still considered too small for Jacaerys or Lucerys to ride. So, they flew alongside their relatives – Vermax on the right near Jacaerys, and Arrax on the left near Lucerys.



"Aōle lykemās, Vermaks! (Calm down, Vermax!)" Jacaerys hushed.

"Ao tolī, Arraks! (You too, Arrax!)" Lucerys did the same with his dragon.

Laenor continued guiding Seasmoke through the skies with Vermax and Arrax close by. For a while, things have been going smoothly for him and the boys so far. However, a shadow soon eclipsed them all. Looking up, Laenor, Jacaerys, and Lucerys watched as more dragons soared from a field of clouds with ease before coming into view.

"*Guuuuuuur!*" Vermithor rumbled a guttural growl as he flew above Seasmoke. Being over two hundred feet long with a 400-foot wingspan, the Bronze Fury was larger than the younger but nimbler pale silver-grey dragon. Controlling the harness to Vermithor's saddle was none other than Prince Jaehaerys along with his younger brother, Aegon the Younger, sitting in the front. Of course, being a large, elder dragon, Vermithor was big enough to carry two people with no problem whatsoever.

"Lua, Vērmithari. Sȳris se gīdāpa. (That's it, Vermithor. Nice and steady.)" Jaehaerys instructed. "How are you holding, Aegon? Still got your harness strapped in?"

"Whoa," Aegon basked in the view from high in the skies, "we're so high up now! I bet you can see Dragonstone from here!" He leaned over to see Seasmoke beneath them, with Laenor, Jacaerys, and Lucerys looking up at them. "Hello down there! You look awfully small from this angle, you know that?"

"Hey!" Lucerys exclaimed.

"We don't all have older dragons, cousin!" Jacaerys pointed out.

"Knock it off. Stop teasing them," Jaehaerys scolded his brother before looking up. "Ah, here they come," he announced.


Descending from above, gliding next to Vermithor, Aemma rode Silverwing with her older brother Viserys strapped behind her in the saddle. "Konir sȳz riña, Gēliotīkun. Skorion konir sȳz riña. (Good girl, Silverwing. What a good girl.)" she cooed. This act of affection earned Aemma a reciprocating growl from Silverwing, who vocalized her approval. "Jay! Aegon! Over here!" she waved her brothers down.

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